First Cup of Coffee – June 28, 2024

I’m questioning why ANY of you watched the presidential “debate.” On more interesting topics, I’m discussing Romantasy, Paranormal Romance, fantasy worldbuilding vs. vibes, and my ongoing lesson in writing more and faster.

First Cup of Coffee – June 17, 2024

Updates on edits on NEVER THE ROSES, the ups and downs of maternity leave, women supporting women, the amazing show UNBELIEVABLE that I want you all to watch, and the enduring pain of asking for endorsement quotes.

First Cup of Coffee – May 31, 2024

A round-up today of some great books I’ve been reading, and an excellent movie rec. Also thoughts on Connectedness (hat tip to Becca Syme), aggressively refilling the well, how to know when to push on drafting vs. when to revise, my new release plan, and why genres “die.”

First Cup of Coffee – May 27, 2024

Happy 10th Anniversary to THE MARK OF THE TALA! I’m talking about why that was a milestone book for me and the journey from crack ho to the rise of #Romantasy. Also being an intuitive writer and how that impacts my process, especially revision. And balancing a traditional publishing career with an indie one.

First Cup of Coffee – May 24, 2024

I’m filling you all in on my editorial meeting with my Tor editors and my agent and, as requested, explaining what it’s like to discuss an upcoming contracted book with only an amorphous idea, as I don’t/can’t outline ahead.

First Cup of Coffee – April 1, 2024

April Fool’s Day and the cruelest prank I ever witnessed, my favorite reader compliment to get, and how author ROI varies depending on short or long term. Also, Clifton Strengths, Becca Syme, and what I’ve learned about Connectedness.

First Cup of Coffee – March 22, 2024

Some schooling today on business, things authors should really know, and arcania on how traditional publishing decides how to handle releases. Also, the “new” genre term Romantasy and why I think it came to be coined.


First Cup of Coffee – February 12, 2024

Happy (almost) Mardi Gras! I’m talking planning author finances over the longer term, offering some predictions on the rise and (inevitable, eventual) decline of Romantasy, and looking at the 10 year anniversary of THE MARK OF THE TALA.

First Cup of Coffee – February 9, 2024

More foreign rights news, this time Russian! Also a fun panel on Romantasy tomorrow at Beastly Books and Instagram Live. And thoughts on influencing social media algorithms being the new superstition.