First Cup of Coffee – July 8, 2024

On knife-throwing and yoga – and why the process is the most important part, not the goal. Also, “rules” for submitting to traditional publishing, talent vs. discipline, gardening, and having the bandwidth to take on new projects.

First Cup of Coffee – June 21, 2024

Finally, the cover reveal for RELUCTANT WIZARD, along with the preorder links!! Also, some updates on Darynda Jones and her surgery, and thoughts on the six-figure book deal discourse and why traditional publishing isn’t the enemy.

First Cup of Coffee – June 17, 2024

Updates on edits on NEVER THE ROSES, the ups and downs of maternity leave, women supporting women, the amazing show UNBELIEVABLE that I want you all to watch, and the enduring pain of asking for endorsement quotes.

First Cup of Coffee – June 14, 2024

More cats-will-happen-drama in my life. Also, traditional publishing, why an agent is such a great asset, and how it never gets easier handing edits and critique, and how deciding how/if to incorporate suggestions is a spectrum.

First Cup of Coffee – May 24, 2024

I’m filling you all in on my editorial meeting with my Tor editors and my agent and, as requested, explaining what it’s like to discuss an upcoming contracted book with only an amorphous idea, as I don’t/can’t outline ahead.

First Cup of Coffee – April 19, 2024

An update on the release of RELUCTANT WIZARD and teasing the upcoming cover reveal! A bit on how traditional publishing works. Also thoughts on Taylor Swift, being a “real” Swiftie, and why I use her to teach voice.

First Cup of Coffee – April 5, 2024

Advice on how to understand and become a part of the writing and publishing ecosystem, including how to know who’s giving good advice and a bit on understanding traditional publishing and the associated math.

First Cup of Coffee – March 29, 2024

I’m following up on the Thread I posted this week on the supposed “divide” between traditionally and self-published authors, how we’re all in this business together, and why I think everyone will be hybrid eventually.

First Cup of Coffee – March 22, 2024

Some schooling today on business, things authors should really know, and arcania on how traditional publishing decides how to handle releases. Also, the “new” genre term Romantasy and why I think it came to be coined.


First Cup of Coffee – February 26, 2024

Sharing the OFFICIALLY OFFICIAL super exciting news today on NEVER THE ROSES, the book I sold to Tor. I’m explaining the Publisher’s Marketplace lingo, how foreign sales work, and why creatives can’t be thick-skinned.