First Cup of Coffee – May 31, 2024

A round-up today of some great books I’ve been reading, and an excellent movie rec. Also thoughts on Connectedness (hat tip to Becca Syme), aggressively refilling the well, how to know when to push on drafting vs. when to revise, my new release plan, and why genres “die.”

First Cup of Coffee – January 17, 2023

I’m explaining how to decode the message when agents & editors say a genre is dead. Also thoughts on whether writing cross-genre is actually hip these days, why Murderbot is cool, and an exciting new cover reveal!

But THEY Said that Genre Is Dead!

screenshot-2016-10-08-08-13-04Our new creepy collection of toothy tales, TEETH, LONG AND SHARP, is out! And so gratifying to see it as an Amazon Best Seller. Many thanks to catnip author Ilona Andrews for giving it a shout out that helped push it there.

This week’s topic at the SFF Seven is all about “dead genres.” Come on over to find out what’s real and what isn’t