First Cup of Coffee – September 17, 2024

My appliance-drama-filled weekend, pet-drama-filled Monday, a happy resolution to previous pet-drama, my great character flaw, and how a robust backlist not only is the best marketing, but continues to provide income in lots of ways.

First Cup of Coffee – September 13, 2024

A story about how an indie bookstore cheated me (if you didn’t see it on Threads), my friend who died and people trying to dig for scandalous information, plus my excellent progress this week!

First Cup of Coffee – September 10, 2024

An exciting sneak peek of the interior design of NEVER THE ROSES! Also, a deep dive into author finances, how to manage income by maximizing tax-deductions, promoting your work, and when to DIY vs. paying an expert.

First Cup of Coffee – September 6, 2024

Why so many authors end up “trunking” their first novel, why it’s often not only a good idea, but inevitable – and how to know if you should. Also, garbage data, The Fall, and The Riddle Master of Hed (and why I think I bounced off of it as a kid).

First Cup of Coffee – September 2, 2024

The role of luck/serendipity in publishing success, how it’s not who you know, but how you can know people. Also, the problems at NaNoWriMo, and why I believe being a writer and the process of writing is more important than having generated a book.

First Cup of Coffee – August 30, 2024

My mojo is back and my mother is doing well! Other than reports on that – and progress on A ROSE IN THE MIRROR – I’m talking about first names and surnames, feminism, women supporting women (or not), and Kamala Harris.

First Cup of Coffee – August 26, 2024

My wonderful weekend at Bubonicon and exciting news about next year’s con. Also, thoughts on more experienced authors giving advice to newbies, how to be honest without stomping on their dreams, and a story of my own newbie dream-crushing.

First Cup of Coffee – August 23, 2024

My great news/bad news week, why I didn’t podcast Monday, my mom’s health crisis and my writing productivity in the face of it anyway. Also, keeping good relationships in the publishing business.

First Cup of Coffee – August 13, 2024

Why we, as adult creatives, must learn to overcome the well-meaning lessons we were taught as children – like recognizing daydreaming as a feature, not a bug. Also, practical approaches to self-care, nurturing our creative selves, and what happened to me yesterday.