I’m over at Romance with Flavor today, talking about the Season of Seduction anthology and the original title of Five Golden Rings.
Good Friends, Great Times and Arbitrary Endings.
This weekend, my local RWA chapter, LERA, had our biannual conference. Two of our guests were Jennifer Enderlin, editor for the fabulous Darynda Jones at St. Martins, and NYT Bestselling author Deanna Raybourn. On Friday, Darynda and our two conference organizers, Tammy Baumann and Kari Bovee, made the trip up to Santa Fe. We did lunch and shopping and I got to play tour guide. Such a fun day for me!
You can read more about it, and about what the most difficult part of the story is for me, over at Word Whores today.
World Fantasy Con
You can find me at the World Fantasy Con in Washington DC on November 6 – 9, 2014.
I’ll be at Boubonicon in Albuquerque, New Mexico on August 1 – 3, 2014.
RWA Convention
You can find me at the RWA Convention in San Antonio, Texas on July 23 -27, 2014.
Romantic Times Convention
You can find me at the Romantic Times Convention in New Orleans, LA on May 11 – 18, 2014.
Adventures in Fiction
I’ll be at Adventures in Fiction in Dallas, Texas on February 15, 2014.
YES Party!
The Romance Reviews is having their Year-End Splash party and my Q&A is featured today! Head on over for a chance to win a copy of Five Golden Rings!
Falling in Love with the Book Boyfriend
I’m over at the Contemporary Romance Cafe today, talking about book boyfriends. What? You know you have one. Or ten.
Five Golden Rings Coming in Two Weeks!
Look at all of these yummy buy links. So much fun for the clicky-clicky preorder! 😀