First Cup of Coffee – October 5, 2021

First Cup of Coffee with Jeffe Kennedy

First Cup of Coffee - October 5, 2021

October 05, 2021

Jeffe Kennedy

Body image and how that's influenced by Instagram and other media like women's magazines, how physical attraction, "instalove" and ageism play into that - along with some spoilers for my recent book.


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First Cup of Coffee – June 12, 2019


First Cup of Coffee with Jeffe Kennedy

First Cup of Coffee - June 12, 2019

June 12, 2019

Jeffe Kennedy, Kathy Kennedy Beck

A special celebrity guest today: my mom! She tells stories about me and we reminisce about old Denver spots. Also features discussions science fiction vs. fantasy and cat wrangling.

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First Cup of Coffee – June 6, 2019

Started my day by breaking a contact lens, alas. Otherwise things are going well, and The Fiery Citadel is coming along faster now. Includes reminiscing on old Denver landmarks.


First Cup of Coffee with Jeffe Kennedy

First Cup of Coffee - June 6, 2019

June 06, 2019

Jeffe Kennedy

Started my day by breaking a contact lens, alas. Otherwise things are going well, and The Fiery Citadel is coming along faster now. Includes reminiscing on old Denver landmarks. 

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First Cup of Coffee – March 26, 2019


First Cup of Coffee with Jeffe Kennedy

First Cup of Coffee - March 26, 2019

March 26, 2019

Jeffe Kennedy

Had a lovely day at the lake yesterday, daffodils are ready to pop, and I'm deep into cogitating this story. Also a bit about the Motley Crue movie The Dirt. 

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Jeffe’s Most Difficult Character – Not Who You Think?

So, if you missed it on Friday, we finally had the cover reveal for THE ORCHID THRONE

This is the first book in a new trilogy I’m doing with St. Martin’s Press. Totally new world, totally new series. My editor there, Jennie Conway, called it:

the magical feminist fantasy romance I’ve always wanted ?

Which is now my new favorite tag line ever. You can read more (and preorder!) here. It comes out September 24, 2019. 

Our topic at the SFF Seven this week is: Your most difficult character to have written and why. Come on over for mine, which may surprise you!

How to load your files onto your eReader

The ebooks I have for sale are available as .epub and .mobi files. The type of ebook file you need to purchase will depend upon how you plan to read the ebook.

If you use Kindle, Kindle Fire, or the Kindle App:
You’ll want to download the .mobi file of the ebook. They do not support .epub files.

If you use iPad, Nook, Nook Tablet, the Sony Reader, the Kobo eReader, or any of these apps:
You’ll want to download the .epub file of the ebook. They do not support .mobi files.

Uploading your ebook to your device:

There are too many different types of ereaders for us to provide instructions for each. However, the general principle behind loading your new ebook onto your ereading device is the same across all ereader devices and platforms:

1.Download the ebook file in the correct file format for your ereader or app onto your computer (please see above for which file you need).
2.Connect your ereader to your computer via a USB cord (you should have received one when you bought your ereader).
3.Open the ereader file or drive on your computer.
4.Copy and paste the ebook file saved on your computer to the correct storage file in your ereader to begin ebook transfer.
5.After the ebook has finished transferring, safely eject your ereader device from your computer and enjoy your new book.
The specific steps involved for your ereader will depend on which one you have, along with the version or model, and the generation number.
For example, the steps for loading an ebook onto a Nook will differ from the steps required for loading onto a Kindle. Also, the steps for loading an ebook onto a first generation Kindle will vary from those required to load a file onto the latest generation Kindle Fire.

If you have any questions about how to load an ebook to your specific device, please check your user manual or the manufacturer’s website for full instructions.

this information is copied with permission from

First Cup of Coffee – November 7, 2018

First Cup of Coffee with Jeffe Kennedy

First Cup of Coffee - November 7, 2018

November 07, 2018

Jeffe Kennedy

Changing agents - what's the protocol, some ways to know a good agent from a bad one, and why having no agent is better than having a bad one. 

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Cover Reveal! For Crown and Kingdom

Sword hilt on blue backgroundA couple of years ago, in the fall of 2013, I read a book called MASTER OF CROWS – because Ericka at Bookpushers nagged me into it. I loved that book every bit as much as she promised I would. Because it’s my thing, I began stalking  following the author, Grace Draven.

I must have been fairly subtle in my efforts, because we didn’t become actual Facebook friends until the following October. (Facebook: The Ultimate Metric for Everything About Our Social Lives.) We became virtual friends, then met in real life at the RT Convention in Dallas the following spring. Let me tell you folks – we had an epic, nearly three-hour “coffee” meeting. You know when you meet someone and just immediately click? We had that. Toward the very end (I think once she decided I wasn’t a psycho stalker), Grace asked if I’d be interested in doing a duology with her. My answer?

Pride & Prejudice, Jane Bennett, "a thousand times, yes"

Fast forward to a year later and we did it! FOR CROWN AND KINGDOM comes out May 31! Dafne holding the crown of the Thirteen Kingdoms with the stained glass window behind herIt contains my story, THE CROWN OF THE QUEEN, which takes place in the aftermath of THE TALON OF THE HAWK and ends right where THE PAGES OF THE MIND begins, which is also out May 31. the pages of the mindGrace’s story is a stand-alone called THE UNDYING KING. 

Grace designed this fabulous cover for the duology and we released it last night to the interwebz with great joy. 

We exchanged the following messages:Jeffe: "I'm grabbing your hands and dancing you in a mad circle." Grace: "and I'm signing warbly and off-key"See why we like to work together?

At any rate, I’m so twirly about this joint project. I’m headed out of town for the latter half of May and don’t expect to be online at all, so Grace will be handling the last-minute stuff on this. But I’ll be back for release day! 

Moar dancing! Moar warbly singing!