I did a post the other day on the RMFW blog, about authors being competitive with each other, and why they shouldn’t succumb to that BS.
Writing Bestsellers and Winning Awards!
Okay, I haven’t written a bestseller (yet!), but I’m over at the RMFW blog talking about the desire to write one and how wanting everyone to love our books can get in the way of writing the stories we need to.
And I haven’t won an award (yet!), but THE TALON OF THE HAWK has been nominated for Best Fantasy Romance of 2015 in RT Book Reviews Reviewers Choice Awards. I’m in there with good friend Grace Draven, which is wonderful. She came up with a solid plan: if she wins, we’ll drink wine; if I win, we’ll drink wine; if we both lose, we’ll drink wine!! Love her to death. I have to tell you folks, seeing my name listed with all of these other writers is a thrill right there. Really doesn’t get better than that!
The Perils of Social Media
I’m over blogging with the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers, discussing an unexpected downside of social media.
An Interview with Agent Emily S. Keyes
I had the opportunity to chat a bit with Emily S. Keyes, an agent with my agency, Fuse Literary. Head over to the RMFW blog to learn a bit more about her before you meet her at the Colorado Gold Conference!
The Real Deal Isn’t
I’m over at Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers today, talking about literary snobbery and inherent sexism. Alas.

Men Don’t Get Morning Breath…
RT Book Reviews is hosting Under His Touch for their Hump Day Excerpt today. There’s a very yummy scene over there, for your delectation.
I’m also over at the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers blog, angsting about, well, writerly angst. 🙂

Back Off, Man – I’m a Scientist!
Release Week celebrations continue and today brings TWO opportunities to win one of the Covenant of Thorns books of your choice! All depends on where you are in the series and your personal preference. Over at Here Be Magic, it’s Win-A-Book Wednesday with a Rafflecopter giveaway and Amy at So Many Reads is hosting a giveaway along with an interview with me about the trilogy and her lovely review of Rogue’s Paradise, which she calls her favorite. I’m also at the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers blog, talking about the reader responses I’ve gotten over the last couple of years to Gwynn being a female scientist.

Wrapping Up a Trilogy

I’m over at the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers blog today, talking about how it feels to wrap up a trilogy and meeting one of my literary heroes.
The Perils of Writing Tribute Characters
I’m over at the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers blog today discussing the pitfalls of basing characters on real people.

Meet Kerri Buckley, Carina Press Editor
I’m over at the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers blog today, interviewing the charming and savvy Kerri Buckley. She’ll be at the Colorado Gold Conference this fall, so here’s your chance to get the inside track on getting prepared to meet her!