First Cup of Coffee – March 27, 2023

Can you miss something you never had? Also thoughts on creative crisis, how I always hit a point where I think the book I’m writing is TERRIBLE, and upcoming plans for my mentoring/coaching Patreon and Discord community!

First Cup of Coffee – March 20, 2023

How you know when your creativity is flowing, which story ideas have enough juice to sustain a novel or series, and how to handle those New Shiny ideas when you have other works in progress to focus on.

First Cup of Coffee – March 10, 2023

How pushing my wordcount is working – I’ve had my best week since last May – and thoughts on POV: how to teach it, how to choose the “right” POV for a story, and a way of thinking about writing POV well.


First Cup of Coffee – March 2, 2023

How being a career creative means always continuing to learn and refine your craft, showing vs telling, how worldbuilding without info-dumping is an ongoing challenge, and why perfection is an unattainable goal.

First Cup of Coffee – February 28, 2023

More granular insight into my revision process, including how I create and name “new” monsters, stealing from the best houses, and how we all borrow from other creators, whether we realize it or not.