Paying the price – do we always have to suffer or sacrifice for a reward? Why this is often offered as a writing rule, especially when creating magic systems. Also a report on ROGUE FAMILIAR: coming along!
RITA ® Award-Winning Author of Fantasy Romance
Paying the price – do we always have to suffer or sacrifice for a reward? Why this is often offered as a writing rule, especially when creating magic systems. Also a report on ROGUE FAMILIAR: coming along!
Can you miss something you never had? Also thoughts on creative crisis, how I always hit a point where I think the book I’m writing is TERRIBLE, and upcoming plans for my mentoring/coaching Patreon and Discord community!
How you know when your creativity is flowing, which story ideas have enough juice to sustain a novel or series, and how to handle those New Shiny ideas when you have other works in progress to focus on.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day! A short podcast today, explaining why I postponed the ROGUE FAMILIAR release date and why it won’t really be as long as it the dates imply.
I’m still head-down on drafting this novel, absorbed in increasing my productivity – with good news to report on that front. Also thinking about invisible friends and creativity. I had them. Did you?
How pushing my wordcount is working – I’ve had my best week since last May – and thoughts on POV: how to teach it, how to choose the “right” POV for a story, and a way of thinking about writing POV well.
Why and how I’m going back to the basics in order to improve my creative output. Sharing some of my productivity metrics, why writing every day works for *me*, and how I think metrics helps all creatives.
I’m (finally!) talking about book boxes and their business models. Some are great! Others not so much. How do you tell? Also on scheduling creativity, especially making a living as an author.
How being a career creative means always continuing to learn and refine your craft, showing vs telling, how worldbuilding without info-dumping is an ongoing challenge, and why perfection is an unattainable goal.
More granular insight into my revision process, including how I create and name “new” monsters, stealing from the best houses, and how we all borrow from other creators, whether we realize it or not.