Category: Blog
First Cup of Coffee – December 9, 2019
#1 Thing to Assuage Holiday Stress
I posted this pic to Instagram Stories asking people to vote on whether this is a helpful cat or not. Something like 82% voted “yes.” (I forgot to look at the final score before the story expired.) This only proves that my tribe of followers are TOTAL CAT PUSHOVERS.
And yes, that’s THE FATE OF THE TALA on the monitor. I was amused by how many people messaged asking if that’s what they spied. Those who listen to my podcast know that I’m struggling with this book, but I’m also at 88K now – which I originally thought would be my total! – and I’m getting there…
NOT helped by cats who insert themselves between my hand and the mouse.
Our topic at the SFF Seven this week is our #1 Thing to do to keep our sanity this holiday season. Come on over to find out mine!
First Cup of Coffee – December 6, 2019
First Cup of Coffee – December 5, 2019
One Scene at a Time
Exciting change in my life: my mom bought me a new bedspread, etc., and I’ve totally changed up the color scheme! I really love it. 🙂 Also, Isabel is pleased by how well it matches her blue-smoke fur.
I’ve been absent from the blog lately, I know – except for cross-posts with the SFF Seven blog – because I did thirty days of podcasting in November. (Well, I missed November 30 because of travel, but I hit October 31, so I *did* do thirty consecutive days!)
I’m also funneling all my word energy into writing THE FATE OF THE TALA. I tell you people: I thought this book has been hard to write. But I just got on the phone with my lovely bestie Grace Draven to talk through some plot points. She ended up making a diagram as we talked and more than once said “You’re trying to do WHAT?” and “Wait, that TOO?!?” I had to point out several times that her incredulity wasn’t helping. (She just laughed, the way she does, that high-pitched giggle that sounds just like Dolly Parton’s.) At least I ended up feeling better about the fact that this effort really IS difficult.
And she gave me ideas for how to proceed. We ended up with the writer’s version of AA, where I’m just taking it one scene at a time. So that’s what I’m doing. Getting through this scene. Then I’ll think about getting through the next scene.
Amazing how that perspective helps!
First Cup of Coffee – December 3, 2019
First Cup of Coffee – December 2, 2019
Jeffe’s Made-Up Holiday
This week at the SFF Seven we ask “Have you ever invented a holiday for your books – or if not, what holiday would you give your characters?” It happens I have invented a holiday – a midwinter one, even- and I wrote a novella around it. Come on over for more – and to read a bit!
First Cup of Coffee – November 29, 2019