I’m over at Savvy Authors, talking about character transformation – including the course I’m teaching for them in March, Sex as a Tool for Character Transformation – and what it means that I was decked out in Broncos gear for the Super Bowl.
Author: Jeffe Kennedy
Tips and Tricks for Great Titles
I took this pic several weeks ago – just love how the Santa Fe light works, with the highlights and shadows, and the looming mauve fog bank swirling in to shroud it again.
This week’s topic in the bordello is The Joy and Agony of Coming Up With Titles. Come on over to check it out!
Good news for you audiophiles out there! Birdwoman is now available on audio. Narrated by yours truly. Eep. Let me know what you think, if you pick it up!
Also, I’m over at Here Be Magic today, contributing to our Romantic Moments Week with a sneak peek of a scene from THE PAGES OF THE MIND.
Finally, thanks to you wonderful people who’ve already sponsored me on Patreon! Every time I see a new patron, I get a warm fuzzy feeling. You all are awesome! If you haven’t checked them out yet and would like to, I have two: one for writers and one for readers. I’m going to do my first post for writers soon. Really excited to see how this goes!
Have a great weekend everyone!
Asking for Help
Did I show you all one of my very favorite Christmas presents? Yes, I’m easy to please. And I love, love, love my ceramic red 2015 Starbucks mug. It makes me happy every time I use it. David even suggested my coffee ritual for my discussion Sunday on Word Whores on a vice that helps my writing.
Coffee, however, is a vital nutrient, not a vice.
The other day as I was running, a song I’ve long loved came up in the rotation. Are You Out There? by Dar Williams from her End of the Summer album. Here it is, if you care to listen.
At any rate, the lyrics struck me hard when she says:
Are you out there, can you hear this?
Jimmy Olson, Johnny Memphis,
I was out here listening all the time
And though the static walls surround me
You were out there and you found me
I was out here listening all the time
She’s referring to DJs on radio stations she listened to as a teenager. She talks about them some here, though I think the live version isn’t as strong as the studio one. I found myself wanting to reach out and talk to her about this song. I’ve often felt this way about singer/songwriters like her, that I’ve been out here listening all the time. I wonder if she ever got to meet or talk to those guys in person, to tell them that, like I’d love to talk to her.
Maybe what we mostly do is write these things down and send them out into the world, and hope that someone’s listening.
Speaking of hope and making contact, I’m taking a bold new step. (Well, it feels bold to me!) I’ve started a Patreon. Two of them, actually.
What is it? It’s a website interface that allows people to support creators of all types. You can look at the overall here. Basically the way it works is that we can pledge a certain amount of money – $1, $2, $3, etc – that we pay every time an artist produces a “Thing,” whatever their thing may be. In my case, I’m offering two kinds of Things – stories for readers and focused mentoring for writers.
This will be a terrific venue for us all, I hope. For me to reach out to you for help, and for me to give you, my most passionate and loyal advocates what you want most from me.
Ever since I left the Day Job – or, as a friend puts it, since the day job left me – I’ve been piecing together ways to try to make it writing full time. One of the greatest challenges is the lack of steady income. I get pulses of income, but nothing like the steady salary I once had. Also, I have new expenses like paying for my own health insurance. We’re adapting, but the more sources of reliable income, the less scary things are.
This is where the Patreon comes in. Every time I produce a story via Patreon, I can be assured of a certain amount of income in return. Every time I produce a writing lesson or provide assistance via Patreon, I’ll know I’ll get money to pay the utility bills. In return, you all get access to exclusive stories and conversations with me that it would be difficult to get to you any other way.
Also, I really appreciate all the offers of help and support – this is a way for me to accept that. Asking for help can be a scary thing and not something I’ve ever been particularly good at. I’m working on it.
Are you out there, can you hear this?
Thanks everyone – it’s so wonderful to know that you ARE out there!
What It Means to Write Drunk and Edit Sober
Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone! This photo is from a couple of weeks ago, celebrating 25 years with my valentine. Never imagined I’d find someone who is such a wonderful partner for me, or that we’d be together so long. Every day I give thanks for him.
This week’s topic in the Bordello is how our personal vices actually aids in our writing. Stop on by for my take on the adage, “write drunk, edit sober.“
Also, I’m teaching a webinar this week on Navigating the Lines of Consent in sex scenes. Should be big fun!
Checking the Competition
I did a post the other day on the RMFW blog, about authors being competitive with each other, and why they shouldn’t succumb to that BS.
Essential Writing Tools
Thanks to KAK for posting on Sunday, while I was off at Daytona Beach watching ripped young men from the Embry Riddle Air Force ROTC do crunches. Oh, and being on panels, etc., at the Coastal Magic Convention. Damn, I love my job!
Thus, I’m over at Word Whores on a rare Tuesday talking about our topic this week of our favorite writing apps. What do you *really* need to be a writer? Find out from us!
Will Write for Food
Forbidden Romance and Fictional Bar Names!
First off, big congrats today to bestie and all-around lovely person and Zen influence on my life, Anne Calhoun, on the release of THE SEAL’S SECRET LOVER today! This novella kicks off a super sexy romantic suspense series of three novellas and three novels. I’ve been in on the brainstorming and these are unique storylines with Anne’s trademark high-stakes emotional angst. Here’s the blurb for this one:
Logistics director Rose Powell agreed to chaperone her grandmother on a guided tour of Roman ruins on one condition: her brother Jack would come with her. But when Jack backs out, his best friend and fellow SEAL Keenan Parker takes his place. Without a working cell phone, Rose’s orderly world drifts into dreamy days and hot, secret nights in Keenan’s bed. Keenan left the Navy but never made it any farther than Istanbul, much less to a viable future. Until he does, he’ll show Rose things she didn’t know about herself. Can he give his heart and his future to the woman he promised his best friend he’d never touch?
See what I mean? Go snag it now!
In other news, last week I finished drafting my story for the upcoming DEVIL’S DOORBELL anthology. In the course of writing, I discovered I needed to name the bar that the heroine frequents. So, I posted this to Facebook:
Okay folks, I need to name a bar. Contemporary U.S. Something in the name should evoke heaven, hell, angels, demons, the devil. Anything along those lines. And… go!
I got over 150 suggestions, counting duplicates!
Of course, I couldn’t use all the names and there were so many great ones, I thought I’d share them here. Feel free to use! In fact, please DO, because it took me *way* too long to sort these…
A Dimensional portal |
Ace of Spades |
Afterlife |
Angel’s Roost |
Apocalypse. |
Armageddon |
Asylum |
Baal’s Asylum |
Bedlam |
Beyond Good and Evil |
Bitchbox, |
Black Star |
Bob’s Road Kill Grill – “You kill ’em, we grill ’em!” |
Brimstone’s. |
Broken Halo |
Carrie Nation’s Delight |
Cemetery Gates |
Chains |
Cherubz. |
Church |
Club Beyond, . |
Communion |
Constantine’s Smoke |
Crooked Halo |
Dam Site Inn |
Dante |
Dante’s |
Dante’s Circle |
Dante’s Fire |
Dastardly Spirits |
Devil’s Backbone |
Devil’s Dew |
DewDropInn |
Diluted Atheist |
Duality |
Elohim’s Den |
Elysia |
Elysian Fields |
Elysium |
End of days |
Exodus |
Fallen Saints |
Firewater Shack |
Flaming Wings |
Forbidden Fruit |
Gargoyle. |
Genesis |
Gethsemane |
Hades |
Hades by Nigh |
Handbasket, |
Heaven & Hell |
Helen Back |
Hell Raisers. |
Hell with the Lid Off |
Hell’s Half Acre |
Hell’s Kitchen, |
Hellvard |
Hemingway’s Delight |
Holy Spirit |
Horn & Clove |
Horns ‘n Halos |
I Like It Like That |
Inferno |
Judgement Day, |
Last supper steakhouse |
Limbo |
Lividicus |
Lost Soul Watering Hole, |
Lost Souls |
Lucifer |
Lucifer’s Pub |
Lucifer’s Taphouse |
Mephistopheles Mezzanine |
Nailed Spirits |
Nexus |
Old Scratch’s |
Pagan Spirits |
Paradise Lost |
Pearly’s gate |
Pentagrams |
Perdition |
Preach, |
Purgatory |
Rahab’s Roadhouse |
Reality Rehab |
Revelations |
River Styx |
Sacrificial Blood |
Saints & Sinners |
Sam’s Fight Tavern |
Satanic Bites. |
Satan’s Tavern, |
Seraphic |
Sinnerville, |
Soul and Sacrifice |
Soul-stealers bar and grille. |
Spirits. |
Stone Club Baby Head |
Streetcleaner |
Styx and Stones |
Tavern in the Circle |
The Abyss |
The Altar |
The Chamber, |
The Crossroads |
The Crypt |
The Devil’s Fork |
The Devil’s living room. |
The Devil’s Waterhole |
The Emerald Cross |
The Fallen |
The Hourglass |
The Inferno |
The Last Judgement |
The Morningstar |
The Nailed Redeemer |
The Ninth Circle |
The Office |
the Redeemed Soul |
The Rogue Angel |
The Serpent’s Tavern |
The Seventh Circle |
The Stygian Crypt |
The Tarnished Halo |
The Third Ring |
The Trilogy, |
The Y’all Come Back Saloon |
Tomb |
Underworld. |
Unknown Redemption |
Unrepentant Spirits |
Vodun’s Delight |
Wings |
Wish |
Writing to the Market – Is It *Always* Anathema?
This is like one of those “Can you spot the X?” photos. Can you spot the quail in this pic? While the others in the covey are scratching around and eating, one will get in a high spot and be the lookout for predators. At first I thought I hadn’t gotten a good photo – several were out of focus – and then I zoomed in and wow!
Love how he’s looking right at me, too.
I’m over at Word Whores today, talking about when you *should* write to the market.