How Can I Be What I Ain’t?

005David asked me for some “blue-sky” panorama shots for his Catalina Acupuncture website, so I thought I’d share one here. Such amazing skies we have here. (That’s from our front porch, with the corner of our house to the right.)

This week you all get treated to one of my oldest earworms, the song that starts playing in my brain when I encounter the Word-Whore Word of the Week: Ain’t.

Three Profound Impacts on My Writing in 2013 & Three French Hens

035Only three days left in the Big Twelve Days of Gifts Giveaway!

I know everyone is crazy busy, so today is triple your chances to win day! Anyone who comments on Megan Mulry’s very funny post on what the hell colly birds are, or who comments on my Five Golden Rings post, will not only increase their chances to win both of those giveaways, but will get THREE entries for the Grand Prize!

(All of you lucky people who don’t celebrate Christmas and are not covered in flour and Scotch tape? This is an excellent time for you to sneak in and nab the prizes.)

I’m also over at Word Whores today, talking about the greatest influences on my writing in 2013. Yes, I named names!

Jeffe’s Hateful Advice for Crawling Out of a Writer’s Slump

002Winter arrived with a vengeance to my high desert home last week, making for gorgeously frosty vistas.

I’m over at Word Whores today, talking about the only way I know for breaking a writer’s slump. It’s terrible advice, really. I won’t blame you a bit if you don’t go look. Seriously.

Good Friends, Great Times and Arbitrary Endings.

1451397_10200918995124794_1800856214_nThis weekend, my local RWA chapter, LERA, had our biannual conference. Two of our guests were Jennifer Enderlin, editor for the fabulous Darynda Jones at St. Martins, and NYT Bestselling author Deanna Raybourn. On Friday, Darynda and our two conference organizers, Tammy Baumann and Kari Bovee, made the trip up to Santa Fe. We did lunch and shopping and I got to play tour guide. Such a fun day for me!

You can read more about it, and about what the most difficult part of the story is for me, over at Word Whores today.