First Cup of Coffee – June 7, 2019

If you’ve been waiting for the second Sorcerous Moons compendium, books 4-6, it’s out! Also talking about reviews and why authors shouldn’t try to improve craft by reading them. And updates on my broken contact lens.

First Cup of Coffee with Jeffe Kennedy

First Cup of Coffee - June 7, 2019

June 07, 2019

Jeffe Kennedy

If you've been waiting for the second Sorcerous Moons compendium, books 4-6, it's out! Also talking about reviews and why authors shouldn't try to improve craft by reading them. And updates on my broken contact lens. 

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First Cup of Coffee – June 4, 2019

THE ARROWS OF THE HEART won an award! I’m also telling a story today about how men and women talk differently about their pain. Also the continuing saga of THE FIERY CITADEL revision, and how being an auditory learner affects how my brain recalls words.

First Cup of Coffee with Jeffe Kennedy

First Cup of Coffee - June 4, 2019

June 04, 2019

Jeffe Kennedy

THE ARROWS OF THE HEART won an award! I'm also telling a story today about how men and women talk differently about their pain. Also the continuing saga of THE FIERY CITADEL revision, and how being an auditory learner affects how my brain recalls words. 

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First Cup of Coffee – June 3, 2019

Updates on my weekend (low key), The Fiery Citadel revision (coming along), and our perceptions of the writers life vs. the reality. Plus cat wrangling.

First Cup of Coffee with Jeffe Kennedy

First Cup of Coffee - June 3, 2019

June 03, 2019

Jeffe Kennedy

Updates on my weekend (low key), The Fiery Citadel revision (coming along), and our perceptions of the writers life vs. the reality. Plus cat wrangling. 

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First Cup of Coffee – May 31, 2019

First Cup of Coffee with Jeffe Kennedy

First Cup of Coffee - May 31, 2019

May 31, 2019

Jeffe Kennedy

A bunch of ideas today - thoughts on dealing with this revision (yes, still), why people hate Nickelback (yes, really) and how bikeshedding fits into this (yes, it does. well... kinda). This is the article I mention:

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First Cup of Coffee – February 15, 2019


First Cup of Coffee with Jeffe Kennedy

First Cup of Coffee - February 15, 2019

February 15, 2019

Jeffe Kennedy

A report today on how I got mauled by a wild animal in the night, and also thoughts on pre-plotting vs. "pantsing," and why I prefer the metaphor of gardener vs. architect - springing from musings on George R.R. Martin's storytelling in A Song of Ice and Fire and Game of Thrones. Also how and why the show just isn't the book and it only hurts us in the end to try to make it be that. 

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First Cup of Coffee – October 23, 2018

First Cup of Coffee with Jeffe Kennedy

First Cup of Coffee - October 23, 2018

October 23, 2018

Jeffe Kennedy

Big thunderstorm this morning - and thoughts on cats, software updates, the movie Tully, weight loss and gain, and updates on THE DRAGONS OF SUMMER. For those interested, Lindsay Buroker's podcast, the Science Fiction & Fantasy Marketing Podcast, is here (Gorgeous pancake breakfast courtesy of Minerva Spencer, from my weekend visit to Taos.)

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First Cup of Coffee – October 19, 2018


First Cup of Coffee with Jeffe Kennedy

First Cup of Coffee - October 19, 2018

October 19, 2018

Jeffe Kennedy

Musings today on scenes with conflict and building suspense, how that rhythm works and when it's false suspense. Also cat wrangling, ever and always. 

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First Cup of Coffee – October 4, 2018


First Cup of Coffee with Jeffe Kennedy

First Cup of Coffee - October 4, 2018

October 04, 2018

Jeffe Kennedy

A bit of cat wrangling due to a jailbreak today, along with thoughts on copyediting, preparing a book for publication, and a bit more on 1st person POV, because I can't let it go.

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First Cup of Coffee – September 11, 2018

First Cup of Coffee with Jeffe Kennedy

First Cup of Coffee - September 11, 2018

September 11, 2018

Jeffe Kennedy

Taking a walk today with Jackson, a preemptive strike against his autumn restlessness, and talking about the domestication of cats and dogs (as one does), along with worldbuilding and perfectionism.

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First Cup of Coffee – August 9, 2018


First Cup of Coffee with Jeffe Kennedy

First Cup of Coffee - August 9, 2018

August 09, 2018

Jeffe Kennedy

Today is the first day of school for some kids, so I'm thinking about summer's end, school and birthdays. Also talking about external and internal conflict in stories, using Lord of the Rings and Pride & Prejudice as examples. There's also some cat wrangling and the ongoing territorial war with the pack rat, including cholla burrs.

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