What It Means to Write Drunk and Edit Sober

Jeffe & David at Angel Fire celebrating 25 years

Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone! This photo is from a couple of weeks ago, celebrating 25 years with my valentine. Never imagined I’d find someone who is such a wonderful partner for me, or that we’d be together so long. Every day I give thanks for him.

This week’s topic in the Bordello is how our personal vices actually aids in our writing. Stop on by for my take on the adage, “write drunk, edit sober.

Also, I’m teaching a webinar this week on Navigating the Lines of Consent in sex scenes. Should be big fun!

Essential Writing Tools

Cac2-wYW0AA7grVThanks to KAK for posting on Sunday, while I was off at Daytona Beach watching ripped young men from the Embry Riddle Air Force ROTC do crunches. Oh, and being on panels, etc., at the Coastal Magic Convention. Damn, I love my job!

Thus, I’m over at Word Whores on a rare Tuesday talking about our topic this week of our favorite writing apps. What do you *really* need to be a writer? Find out from us!

Forbidden Romance and Fictional Bar Names!

12573673_1031344770255657_394058623659722734_nFirst off, big congrats today to bestie and all-around lovely person and Zen influence on my life, Anne Calhoun, on the release of THE SEAL’S SECRET LOVER today! This novella kicks off a super sexy romantic suspense series of three novellas and three novels. I’ve been in on the brainstorming and these are unique storylines with Anne’s trademark high-stakes emotional angst. Here’s the blurb for this one: 

Logistics director Rose Powell agreed to chaperone her grandmother on a guided tour of Roman ruins on one condition: her brother Jack would come with her. But when Jack backs out, his best friend and fellow SEAL Keenan Parker takes his place. Without a working cell phone, Rose’s orderly world drifts into dreamy days and hot, secret nights in Keenan’s bed. Keenan left the Navy but never made it any farther than Istanbul, much less to a viable future. Until he does, he’ll show Rose things she didn’t know about herself. Can he give his heart and his future to the woman he promised his best friend he’d never touch?

See what I mean? Go snag it now!

A woman's torso, naked but for a wrap of crimson velvetIn other news, last week I finished drafting my story for the upcoming DEVIL’S DOORBELL anthology. In the course of writing, I discovered I needed to name the bar that the heroine frequents. So, I posted this to Facebook:

Okay folks, I need to name a bar. Contemporary U.S. Something in the name should evoke heaven, hell, angels, demons, the devil. Anything along those lines. And… go!

I got over 150 suggestions, counting duplicates!

Of course, I couldn’t use all the names and there were so many great ones, I thought I’d share them here. Feel free to use! In fact, please DO, because it took me *way* too long to sort these…

A Dimensional portal

Ace of Spades


Angel’s Roost




Baal’s Asylum


Beyond Good and Evil


Black Star

Bob’s Road Kill Grill – “You kill ’em, we grill ’em!”


Broken Halo

Carrie Nation’s Delight

Cemetery Gates




Club Beyond, . 


Constantine’s Smoke

Crooked Halo

Dam Site Inn



Dante’s Circle

Dante’s Fire

Dastardly Spirits

Devil’s Backbone

Devil’s Dew


Diluted Atheist


Elohim’s Den


Elysian Fields


End of days


Fallen Saints

Firewater Shack

Flaming Wings

Forbidden Fruit





Hades by Nigh


Heaven & Hell

Helen Back

Hell Raisers.

Hell with the Lid Off

Hell’s Half Acre

Hell’s Kitchen,


Hemingway’s Delight

Holy Spirit

Horn & Clove

Horns ‘n Halos

I Like It Like That


Judgement Day,

Last supper steakhouse



Lost Soul Watering Hole,

Lost Souls


Lucifer’s Pub

Lucifer’s Taphouse

Mephistopheles Mezzanine

Nailed Spirits


Old Scratch’s

Pagan Spirits

Paradise Lost

Pearly’s gate





Rahab’s Roadhouse

Reality Rehab


River Styx

Sacrificial Blood

Saints & Sinners

Sam’s Fight Tavern

Satanic Bites.

Satan’s Tavern,



Soul and Sacrifice

Soul-stealers bar and grille.


Stone Club Baby Head


Styx and Stones

Tavern in the Circle

The Abyss

The Altar

The Chamber,

The Crossroads

The Crypt

The Devil’s Fork

The Devil’s living room.

The Devil’s Waterhole

The Emerald Cross

The Fallen

The Hourglass

The Inferno

The Last Judgement

The Morningstar

The Nailed Redeemer

The Ninth Circle

The Office

the Redeemed Soul

The Rogue Angel

The Serpent’s Tavern

The Seventh Circle

The Stygian Crypt

The Tarnished Halo

The Third Ring

The Trilogy,

The Y’all Come Back Saloon



Unknown Redemption

Unrepentant Spirits

Vodun’s Delight





Writing to the Market – Is It *Always* Anathema?

lookout quail This is like one of those “Can you spot the X?” photos. Can you spot the quail in this pic? While the others in the covey are scratching around and eating, one will get in a high spot and be the lookout for predators. At first I thought I hadn’t gotten a good photo – several were out of focus – and then I zoomed in and wow!

Love how he’s looking right at me, too. lookout quail crop

I’m over at Word Whores today, talking about when you *should* write to the market

Five Ways to Combat Bad Writer Habits

Bird Woman by Jeffe Kennedy

This week I put out on Amazon a short read. It’s a true story I wrote some time ago, that was originally published in a literary magazine, about one of the most unsettling experiences of my life. A brush with the unseen that I don’t care to repeat!

At Word Whores this week, our topic is “My Bad Habit as a Writer.”

Which took some thinking about, really. Not that I’m ALL THAT or anything… but I have rather ruthlessly weeded out my bad habits over the many years. Like… twenty years. And I’m still a work in progress, which I suppose is part of the point. So, rather than focus specifically on my own bad habits, former, existing or future, I thought I’d give five ways that I’ve developed to identify and eliminate bad habits.

BirdWoman Is Available!

Low Res
Bird Woman by Jeffe Kennedy

Very excited to announce the release of BIRD WOMAN, a creepy true story about my brush with the paranormal!

I wrote this story some years back and it was published in a literary magazine. I’ve told the story to a few people over the years and thought it would be fun to put out there for you all to read.

Can’t wait to hear your reactions! 

Worldcon 2016


Kansas City, MO | August 17-21, 2016

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‘Have at You!’: Writing a Great Fight Scene

Thursday 11:00 – 12:00, 2210 (Kansas City Convention Center)

Fight scenes are a hard beast to write. Who’s hitting who and why? How do you describe what is happening? What’s that guy doing on the floor? How is the protagonist going to react, given her history? And wow, was that just a scratch, or did it take that other person’s leg off?! In this session panelists explore the different ways to experience a good fight scene in science fiction and fantasy, as writers, readers and martial artists.

Eva Elasigue (M), Dr. Claire McCague, Kathryn Sullivan, Jeffe Kennedy, Steven Gould

Happily Ever After…?

Thursday 12:00 – 13:00, 2504B (Kansas City Convention Center)

After the shocking news that Han and Leia were not destined to live happily ever after, what are the chances for our favourite – and not so popular – fictional couples? How many can realistically be considered to have a Happily Ever After, and if not, where might they be better off?

Brooke Johnson, Jeffe Kennedy, Christie Meierz, Meg Frank

Writing Erotica

Wednesday 16:00 – 17:00, 2208 (Kansas City Convention Center)

Erotica might be said to be created to stimulate or sexually arouse the reader or viewer. We ask what the difference is between erotica and pornography, what the place of erotica is within the sf community and its works and perhaps even share the odd tip as to what makes good – or bad – erotica.

Adult Content. Not for Children.

Rachael Acks, Christie Meierz, Belinda McBride, Jeffe Kennedy, Darlene Marshall (M)

Being Jessica Jones

Saturday 17:00 – 18:00, 2207 (Kansas City Convention Center)

Trigger Warning: Due to the nature of the show, this session will include discussion of a sensitive nature.
The powerhouse Netflix series Jessica Jones tackles difficult subjects relating to domestic violence and rape. It does so from the perspective of a survivor and raises valuable questions about society and gender. This is within the environment of the Marvel universe. Jessica Jones’ appeal is to comic fans and those who are looking for complex representations of women on television. We discuss the show and its impact.
Adults only

Elizabeth McCarty (M), Aurora Celeste, Anna Raftery, Tui Sutherland, Jeffe Kennedy