Started my day by breaking a contact lens, alas. Otherwise things are going well, and The Fiery Citadel is coming along faster now. Includes reminiscing on old Denver landmarks.
RITA ® Award-Winning Author of Fantasy Romance
Started my day by breaking a contact lens, alas. Otherwise things are going well, and The Fiery Citadel is coming along faster now. Includes reminiscing on old Denver landmarks.
THE ARROWS OF THE HEART won an award! I’m also telling a story today about how men and women talk differently about their pain. Also the continuing saga of THE FIERY CITADEL revision, and how being an auditory learner affects how my brain recalls words.
Updates on my weekend (low key), The Fiery Citadel revision (coming along), and our perceptions of the writers life vs. the reality. Plus cat wrangling.
Wherein I develop a new analogy for what revision feels like to me, plus general musing on revision vs drafting because I’m deep into revision brain, working on THE FIERY CITADEL. Did I mention revision?
Talking about my towering TBR pile today. I pose a quiz question for my listeners, too. What should I do??? I’m talking about revisions, how I’ve changed my view of them, along with my progress on THE FIERY CITADEL. Also thoughts on Mary Robinette Kowal’s THE CALCULATING STARS and THE FATED SKY.
Our topic at the SFF Seven this week is the deceptively simple “Perfect Writing Snacks.”
I say it’s deceptively simple because I’m going to have to pull a Veronica Scott this week and say that I just have nothing on this one. Come on over to find out why.
Our bougainvillea, a potted one we bring in for the winter, catching the evening light on its bright pink bracts.