Tag: fan fiction

Jeffe’s Sly FanFic Move
Our topic at the SFF Seven this week is “If you were going to write fan fiction, what show/characters/etc would you write?” Come on over for my confession.
Drawing that Squiggly Line Between Inspiration and Plagiarism
Release day for ROGUE’S POSSESSION is tomorrow!!
So, you know, you could totally pre-order it. I mean, I wouldn’t be a true Word Whore if I didn’t offer you some buy links right here and now, right???
~does seductive click-the-buy-link dance~
Thank you!
This week, I’m over at Word Whores discussing Inspiration vs Imitation: How Far is Too Far?
Fan Fiction – Inspiration or Theft?
I’m over at Word Whores today, talking about fandom and the phenomenon of fan fiction.