Cover Reveal for THE TALON OF THE HAWK

The Talon of the HawkLook what appeared today!!

The cover for book 3 of The Twelve Kingdoms: The Talon of the Hawk.

It’s really just so perfect – exactly what I asked for. I particularly love the progression of the three covers, which capture so well my three sisters and their journeys.


themarkofthetala_300The Talon of the HawkTHE TEARS OF THE ROSE high res


Also, the tagline? “A different kind of battle.”

Spot on!

Serendipitously enough, I’m over at Shut Up & Read today, talking about how the three sisters are alike – and how they’re also very different.

Promo Pushes – The Good, The Bad and The Serendipitous

Santa RosaWe continued our tour of New Mexico – and David’s ongoing quest for a good fishing spot – with a visit to Santa Rosa on Sunday. I, naturally, make an ideal fishing companion since all you have to do is park me in a chair and let me read. No fish were caught, but I did finish reading a book and started another.

I call it a win. 🙂

Today I’m over at Word Whores (yeah, the schedule got messed up), talking about my most successful planned and serendipitous promo pushes. I’m also at Books and Tales, where I talk about Graham Joyce, his recent passing and how much I liked him – both as a person and an author.

On a happier note, I’m also at Paranormal Romantics, following a reader suggestion and analyzing the number and variety of descriptors that Rogue uses for Gwynn in the Covenant of Thorns books. Like this one:CoT 1Also – very fun! – there’s a Goodreads giveaway going on for The Tears of the Rose! This book, the second in my Twelve Kingdoms trilogy, comes out November 25, but you can get it early via this giveaway!

Party! Party!! Party!!!

AfternoonDelight finalA great big HAPPY BIRTHDAY goes out to my delightful friend and brilliant critique partner, Anne Calhoun!

Yes, she was born on September 11, which is a date shaded with bad feels now. In fact, 9/11/01 was a milestone birthday for her – and she was in Manhattan.


I think we can make THIS birthday a titch more fun!!

In one of those serendipitous co-occurrences of fortune, Anne and I have almost overlapping release dates this week, too. Rogue’s Paradise, book 3 in my Covenant of Thorns trilogy, came out on Monday, and Anne’s fabulously sexy Afternoon Delight, first in her new IRRESISTIBLE series (who can resist that??) comes out next Tuesday.

So many things worth celebrating at once that I just can’t even!

Therefore, I propose a game. For the next 24 hours, from midnight Central US time on September 11 up until the hands of the clock switch over to September 12, I want you to give Anne gifts.

Virtual ones.

Send her pictures of what you think she’d love. Tweet them to us, at @jeffekennedy and/or @annecalhoun – be sure to use the hashtag #annebday. Or paste them to our Facebook pages! Stick that #annebday hashtag on there and put them on and/or We’ll be picking our favorites, too, and sharing them. Be creative! Have FUN!


Oh, yeah – we’ll be giving away books! I’ll be giving away two digital copies of Anne’s Afternoon Delight and Anne will give likewise two of my Rogue’s Paradise. International is okay, since these are digital!

We’ll also be giving away each other’s backlists. Watch our Facebook and Twitter feeds – especially that #annebday hashtag – for flash giveaways from us and our partygirl friends!

Can’t wait for this party to get started!

~runs off to chill champagne and heat up dancing boys~

Back Off, Man – I’m a Scientist!

Win-A-Book WednesdayRelease Week celebrations continue and today brings TWO opportunities to win one of the Covenant of Thorns books of your choice! All depends on where you are in the series and your personal preference. Over at Here Be Magic, it’s Win-A-Book Wednesday with a Rafflecopter giveaway and Amy at So Many Reads is hosting a giveaway along with an interview with me about the trilogy and her lovely review of Rogue’s Paradise, which she calls her favorite. I’m also at the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers blog, talking about the reader responses I’ve gotten over the last couple of years to Gwynn being a female scientist.

Delicious Quotes and Reviews

BxGc3zrIEAAG7nkI love how Carina Press puts together these quotes from the books for release week.

As part of the ongoing celebration of the culmination of Rogue and Gwynn’s adventures in the Covenant of Thorns, I’m at the Carina Press blog today, talking about the best way to end a series. I’m also over at Jen’s That’s What I’m Talking About blog with an excerpt from Rogue’s Paradise and there will be a review posted there later today. Speaking of reviews, the fabulous E and Has at The Bookpushers came out with their joint review of Rogue’s Paradise today – very fun to read!

RT Booklovers Convention

RT Booklovers Convention in Dallas, May 12-17 2015, held at the Hyatt Regency Dallas by the Convention Center

Want to meet Jeffe?
Here is a list of events she’ll be attending at RT:

Tuesday, May 12, 2015 – 4:00pm to 5:00pm:

Scrapbooking Mania

Join Jennifer L. Armentrout, Rachel Caine, Celeste Easton, Darynda Jones, Jeffe Kennedy, Ciara Knight, and Kim Meyer for a fun and interactive scrapbooking event! No experience necessary. Authors and fellow readers will be on hand to help decorate. Bling it out, go crazy and have fun creating your little piece of RT 2015 history. We’ll have all the supplies you need, even a camera and printer so you can create a page from the workshop with your favorite attending author — or better yet, a picture with the entire group. Best of all, you leave the workshop with your ready to autograph, original RT 2015 scrapbook!

RT Dallas Scrapbooking mania 2

Wednesday, May 13, 2015 – 5:00pm to 6:00pm:

Mad Hatter Fantasy Tea Party

Come join the fun and mayhem at our Mad Hatter Tea Party with some of fantasy romance’s bestselling writers. Full of games, goodies and giveaways. The first 100 people will get a goody bag — and books!


Thursday, May 14, 2015 – 2:40pm to 3:10pm:

Kensington Books Spotlight

Publisher Spotlights are where representatives from a publisher speak to a group of aspiring and published authors to let them know which type of book, genres, word length, and any other acquisition information an author may need to know to determine if their book is right for the company. They will also discuss how they work with and support their authors, including but not limited to marketing/promotion.


Thursday, May 14, 2015 – 5:15pm to 6:45pm:

Kensington’s Sweet Heat

Warm your heart with a celebration of Kensington authors and books. Indulge in delicious snacks and refreshments as you chat with your favorite authors, meet the Kensington team and score special prizes. We’ll be giving a special surprise to the first 100 people who line up for love, but all who attend will get fun treats, sneak peeks and their choice of two autographed books!


Friday, May 15, 2015 – 1:30pm to 2:30pm:

Kensington’s Hearts & Kisses

Join the Kensington family for our Hearts & Kisses event, where you can star in your own romance cover and pose with your favorite muscled hero! Write love notes to your favorite authors, which will be delivered after the event.


Saturday, May 16, 2015 – 11:00am to 2:00pm:

Giant Book Fair

Meet more than 500 authors who will autograph books, posters and bookmarks. Bring your “keepers” and have them signed! This year we will have all authors (traditional, e-book only, and indie/print on consignment) all in one room and fully intermingled! 
The Saturday Giant Book Fair ticket is included in the full general convention registration fee. This event is also open to the public, and tickets can be purchased for just the Giant Book Fair. You can purchase a ticket at the door the day of the event. Pre-ordered tickets will be picked up at the hotel on the day of the Giant Book Fair.
You may bring in your books from home to get them autographed. However, they must be checked in and stamped (with invisible ink, so there’s no damage to your books) before you enter the book fair. Only two books from home per author are allowed.