Updates on the upcoming release of SEASONS OF SORCERY, along with some background on how multi-author anthologies work, coming to consensus, and picking nits.
Thoughts today on starting the story in the right place, how to weave in backstory without bogging down the velocity of the opening, and how this is never easy. I'm giving a specific example with the TWINSTAR collaboration and how we've ended up doing a scrape and rebuild with the concept. Also a review of the movie A Star Is Born, which spoils the ending, so beware. However, on this fourth remake, I think I was *the only person in the world" who didn't know how it ended. But if you're like me and don't want to know, beware of spoilers.
Warning: politics. Midterm elections in the U.S. are tomorrow, so voting is on my mind, along with all the feelings coming up from the 2016 that was so traumatic for so many of us. There's also a funny story about Grace Draven and her story, A WILDERNESS OF GLASS, for our SEASONS OF SORCERY anthology, and what "playing the bone flute" means to me. And a bit of practical discussion on how I'm handling the move from an iPhone to android, and thus moving my music library from iTunes to Google Play Music.
Why I don't do NaNoWriMo - but why I think you should, and some advice on how. I'm giving some advice on how to "train" for NaNoWriMo and keep yourself from burning out before you finish. Also thoughts on competition and keeping to your line.
the blog post with the word count metrics I reference: https://www.jeffekennedy.com/increasing-word-count-and-training-for-nanowrimo-2/
Georgia O'Keeffe quote: "If you can believe in what you are and keep to your line - that is the most one can do with life."
With the veil thin between worlds today, I'm thinking about sending and receiving messages, imagination, and transforming ourselves into something else. Also the reverse face of that, becoming moribund and inflexible, losing that childhood openness.
Lots of chatty updates today on THE DRAGONS OF SUMMER, Twinstar, Sorcerous Moons, and release day for BARBAROUS, by Minerva Spencer. A bit about Saturday night's party, pic of costumes attached. The Scaper is my collaborator on Twinstar, Jim Sorenson. Some info on my travel to Dublin, Ireland, for WorldCon in August 2019. Also, I ask for some recommendations on Ireland travel and books and movies with cool strategy stuff.
Last Friday I had podcast troubles, it was a wonky day for other reasons, and on Saturday my cell phone died. All of these things conspired to mess me up on many levels, most importantly my writing rituals and habits, which I often talk about as critical for productive creativity. So today I'm offering three ideas for how to salvage a day like that - and how to actually embrace it!
Disruption abounds today. I tried recording on a walk to the store, and ended up messing up the podcast. This is part one. Mostly babbling about walking to the store and yesterday's errands.
Ruminations today on writing fight scenes/battle scenes vs. sex scenes and news on THE DRAGONS OF SUMMER. Also some squeeing about how good BARBAROUS by Minerva Spencer is, and thoughts on revising vs. redrafting.