First Cup of Coffee – April 3, 2020

First Cup of Coffee with Jeffe Kennedy

First Cup of Coffee - April 3, 2020

April 03, 2020

Jeffe Kennedy

Reflecting today on how sometimes you can't write a book any faster than it wants to go. Also, I'm considering trying doing Instagram Live as I record - but the logistics are baffling!

Katherine Addison's essay on the women of The Lord of the Rings is here (

My blog post on missing out on Big Chances is here (

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First Cup of Coffee – April 2, 2020

First Cup of Coffee with Jeffe Kennedy

First Cup of Coffee - April 2, 2020

April 02, 2020

Jeffe Kennedy, Ilana Myer

I'm welcoming celebrity guest Ilana C. Myer today. We chat about life choices, love, taking time to read, and her fantasy trilogy The Harp and Ring Sequence - including the newly released final book: The Poet King.

You can find more about Ilana's books here

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First Cup of Coffee – March 31, 2020

First Cup of Coffee with Jeffe Kennedy

First Cup of Coffee - March 31, 2020

March 31, 2020

Jeffe Kennedy

Talking about reaching the ending of a book - including a brand-new insight into why I tend to slow down near the end, and how to combat that - and perspectives from Chinese medicine.

Some of the workshops I offer are here

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First Cup of Coffee – March 30, 2020

First Cup of Coffee with Jeffe Kennedy

First Cup of Coffee - March 30, 2020

March 30, 2020

Jeffe Kennedy

A roundup of some of the stuff bringing me joy during the quarantine. Also about American humor, interviews, updates on The Promised Queen - and how I always slow down as I approach the ending.

Here's a link to one of Jennifer Ehle's readings

This is Chris Mann's video

And the interview with Jennifer Estep, in case you missed it, is here

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First Cup of Coffee – March 27, 2020

First Cup of Coffee with Jeffe Kennedy

First Cup of Coffee - March 27, 2020

March 27, 2020

Jeffe Kennedy, Jennifer Estep

A great conversation today with author Jennifer Estep. We discuss the writing life, process, traditional vs. self-publishing, transitioning from journalism to writing fiction full time - and much more!

You can check out Jennifer's books here (

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First Cup of Coffee – March 26, 2020

First Cup of Coffee with Jeffe Kennedy

First Cup of Coffee - March 26, 2020

March 26, 2020

Jeffe Kennedy

Slowing down a bit on The Promised Queen, but because I had to work on another Exciting Project. Also talking about weaving as a metaphor for writing a novel, and leaving the ending loose on a draft. 

First Cup of Coffee is part of the Frolic Podcast Network. You can find more outstanding podcasts to subscribe to at!

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First Cup of Coffee – March 24, 2020

First Cup of Coffee with Jeffe Kennedy

First Cup of Coffee - March 24, 2020

March 24, 2020

Jeffe Kennedy

Thoughts today on helping out others during COVID-19, shallower thoughts on my nail polish. Also Facebook messenger for kids, the global community, online yoga, and knowing what details to give a reader - and what to withhold.

This is the Batman movie I reference ( I couldn't find my talking heads rant, but here's a bit about dropping the soap (

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First Cup of Coffee – March 23, 2020

First Cup of Coffee with Jeffe Kennedy

First Cup of Coffee - March 23, 2020

March 23, 2020

Jeffe Kennedy

I'm talking about the fabulous new Emma, my weekend, and finding the positive aspects of our sparkling isolation. Also on my movie marathon to work my way through a plot problem.

The blog post I mention is here (

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First Cup of Coffee – March 20, 2020

First Cup of Coffee with Jeffe Kennedy

First Cup of Coffee - March 20, 2020

March 20, 2020

Jeffe Kennedy

I visited with Wine & Spines yesterday - great fun to talk books from a safe social distance. I'm also talking more about hitting a sticking place in the story, and different methods for working through it.

Leslye Penelope's podcast is here (

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First Cup of Coffee – March 19, 2020

First Cup of Coffee with Jeffe Kennedy

First Cup of Coffee - March 19, 2020

March 19, 2020

Jeffe Kennedy

I'm fighting the blues - as I imagine many of us are - but also talking about process and what it means when I say go back and layer in certain elements. Also about pets and what makes them really hard to write.

First Cup of Coffee is part of the Frolic Podcast Network. You can find more outstanding podcasts to subscribe to at!

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