On giving ourselves permission to give less than 100% (or more) effort to tasks and projects that aren’t our priority. Insights I gained from Becca Syme’s Author Business Summit, sustainability of all our efforts, and taking time off.
RITA ® Award-Winning Author of Fantasy Romance
On giving ourselves permission to give less than 100% (or more) effort to tasks and projects that aren’t our priority. Insights I gained from Becca Syme’s Author Business Summit, sustainability of all our efforts, and taking time off.
Recent revelations on ghostwriting, using metrics for good, rain gauges, gardening, JD Vance’s memoir, the real meaning of “bemused” and whether everyone has one great novel or flower arrangement in them.
Why being selfish is good, refilling the well, and other thoughts on the variety of people who listen to this podcast, why Cats & New Mexico Weather is a thing. Re-reading DEERSKIN and realizing not everything must move the plot forward.
Exciting news from Tor on their new romantic imprint, Bramble. Also thoughts on my struggles with ROGUE FAMILIAR and why I should learn to take my own writing advice.