First Cup of Coffee – July 1, 2024

A round-up of my very fun weekend with visiting writers and local ones, our wide-ranging conversations, giving and valuing advice, being a caretaker and having friends care, and also coaching from me at Romancing the Vote!

First Cup of Coffee – November 13, 2023

I’m back from my Hawaiian Hiatus with thoughts on writer’s conferences, bar-conning, and what conferences serve writers best. Also my amazing trip up the Na Pali coastline which was truly transformative.

First Cup of Coffee – June 2, 2023

Updates on my travels, including WisCon and thoughts on being laid-back at cons instead of wall-to-wall. Also, trends in traditional publishing and speculation on why they all seem to want full manuscripts.

First Cup of Coffee – December 5, 2022

Today sees the re-release of my Kinky Christmas Caribbean Vacation, FIVE GOLDEN RINGS! I’m talking about where I’ve been, what a writing retreat can do to clear the mind, refill the well, and provide a creative reset.