The Ones Who Gave Up: Great Cautionary Tales

The Tides of BaraAt last, the much-anticipated next installment in the Sorcerous Moons series, THE TIDES OF BÁRA is out! About and Buy Links at the bottom of the page.

Our topic at the SFF Seven this week is “My favorite great cautionary tale in the writing world.”

I could cite a lot of Great Cautionary Tales, but with NaNoWriMo (National Novel-Writing Month) on the horizon, I’m going to pick this one: Don’t Give Up.

Or, put positively, KEEP GOING!

Come on over to the SFF Seven to read more. 


A Narrow Escape 

With her secrets uncovered and her power-mad brother bent on her execution, Princess Oria has no sanctuary left. Her bid to make herself and her new barbarian husband rulers of walled Bára has failed. She and Lonen have no choice but to flee through the leagues of brutal desert between her home and his—certain death for a sorceress, and only a bit slower than the blade.

A Race Against Time 

At the mercy of a husband barely more than a stranger, Oria must war with her fears and her desires. Wild desert magic buffets her; her husband’s touch allures and burns. Lonen is pushed to the brink, sure he’s doomed his proud bride and all too aware of the restless, ruthless pursuit that follows…

A Danger Beyond Death… 

Can Oria trust a savage warrior, now that her strength has vanished? Can Lonen choose her against the future of his people? Alone together in the wastes, Lonen and Oria must forge a bond based on more than lust and power, or neither will survive the test…

Buy the Book

More Important than Money

p1013076Caught this gorgeous full moon setting in the warm sunrise colors on my run this morning. Glad I took my camera along. Although it annoyed me bouncing around, so I had to tuck it inside my zippered hoodie – which made me look pregnant, though unnaturally so.

Unnatural camera baby, ftw.

This week at the SFF Seven – whether by deliberate ploy or mental lapse (there’s some debate on the topic – our calendar guru KAK missed giving us a topic. Therefore this week is an open “on-my-mind” theme.

What’s on my mind? I hate to tell you guys, but it’s marketing. And the love of money.

But THEY Said that Genre Is Dead!

screenshot-2016-10-08-08-13-04Our new creepy collection of toothy tales, TEETH, LONG AND SHARP, is out! And so gratifying to see it as an Amazon Best Seller. Many thanks to catnip author Ilona Andrews for giving it a shout out that helped push it there.

This week’s topic at the SFF Seven is all about “dead genres.” Come on over to find out what’s real and what isn’t

Wait! Don’t Burn that Bridge!


You’ll hear this advice a lot in the publishing world: Don’t Burn Bridges. In case the metaphor escapes you, it means to avoid ending professional relationships in a way leaves a chasm between you that can never be breached. For my advice on cutting the cords on professional relationships, come on over to the SFF Seven.

Juggling Multiple Projects – How to Decide What to Work on Next

Jeffe on the Iron Throne cropHere’s me on the Iron Throne (from Game of Thrones, if you’re not in the know). I’m feeling like I look pretty natural there. The only thing missing is that I did not yet have my WWJJD? (What Would Jessica Jones Do?) ribbon.

Still pretty kickass, though.

Our topic this week at the SFF Seven (which totally sounds like a superhero group to me, to continue to riff on the theme), is “What next? How do you decide which projects when?”

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

Okay, seriously – come on over to find out what my method is. Spoiler alert: it involves spreadsheets.

The Classic Not Taken


Which classic book have you never read and why?


I suspect the answer to “why” will be much the same for all of us. There will be THAT book that, for whatever reason, we felt we *should* read, made some kind of attempt at – maybe multiple ones – and finally gave up.


Mine is Great Expectations by Charles Dickens. Come on over to the SFF Seven to find out why I’ve wrestled with this book for half my life now

Is Networking a Meaningless Term?

Fi8s-n7v (1)Every time I hear the term “networking” I get a particular image in my mind. Not a good one.

Thus, the short and surface answer to this week’s topic at the SFF Seven, “The Net Worth of Networking,” is that it’s a big fat zero to me. No – less than that! Negative values there.

But come on by to find out how wrong that image was