Juggling Multiple Projects – How to Decide What to Work on Next

Jeffe on the Iron Throne cropHere’s me on the Iron Throne (from Game of Thrones, if you’re not in the know). I’m feeling like I look pretty natural there. The only thing missing is that I did not yet have my WWJJD? (What Would Jessica Jones Do?) ribbon.

Still pretty kickass, though.

Our topic this week at the SFF Seven (which totally sounds like a superhero group to me, to continue to riff on the theme), is “What next? How do you decide which projects when?”

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

Okay, seriously – come on over to find out what my method is. Spoiler alert: it involves spreadsheets.

The Classic Not Taken


Which classic book have you never read and why?


I suspect the answer to “why” will be much the same for all of us. There will be THAT book that, for whatever reason, we felt we *should* read, made some kind of attempt at – maybe multiple ones – and finally gave up.


Mine is Great Expectations by Charles Dickens. Come on over to the SFF Seven to find out why I’ve wrestled with this book for half my life now

Is Networking a Meaningless Term?

Fi8s-n7v (1)Every time I hear the term “networking” I get a particular image in my mind. Not a good one.

Thus, the short and surface answer to this week’s topic at the SFF Seven, “The Net Worth of Networking,” is that it’s a big fat zero to me. No – less than that! Negative values there.

But come on by to find out how wrong that image was


Treasured Writing Rituals I’ve Discarded

signing pic 2

In honor of this week’s topic –  a writing routine we used to depend on but changed and why – I dragged out this old photo of me at my very first book signing. That’s January of 2004, when my essay collection, WYOMING TRUCKS, TRUE LOVE AND THE WEATHER CHANNEL, came out. I look so fresh-faced and excited. You can practically see the visions of sugarplums and lucrative multi-book contracts dancing in my head.

~pets past self~

At any rate, I’m over at the SFF Seven, talking about my old writing rituals, which ones have gone by the wayside, and why.

I Learned How to Write Novels by … Training in Kung Fu

Lonen's War Book CoverI’m headed home from #RWA16, the Romance Writers of America annual conference, which was in lovely San Diego this year. This was a truly wonderful gathering this year.Grateful for this community that always leaves me refreshed and supported.

Also, the first book in my new Sorcerous Moons series comes out on Tuesday. I’m loving on this cover! Yes, I helped design it, but the amazing Louisa Gallie is the one who pulled it off. Love the feel. And here’s the blurb:

An Unquiet Heart

Alone in her tower, Princess Oria has spent too long studying her people’s barbarian enemies, the Destrye—and neglected the search for calm that will control her magic and release her to society. Her restlessness makes meditation hopeless and her fragility renders human companionship unbearable. Oria is near giving up. Then the Destrye attack, and her people’s lives depend on her handling of their prince…

A Fight Without Hope

When the cornered Destrye decided to strike back, Lonen never thought he’d live through the battle, let alone demand justice as a conqueror. And yet he must keep up his guard against the sorceress who speaks for the city. Oria’s people are devious, her claims of ignorance absurd. The frank honesty her eyes promise could be just one more layer of deception.

A Savage Bargain

Fighting for time and trust, Oria and Lonen have one final sacrifice to choose… before an even greater threat consumes them all.

Our topic at the SFF Seven this week is “I Learned How to Write Novels by (doing some other activity).“ Stop on by to hear about my surprising discovery.