I’m over at Here Be Magic, discussing why I stubbornly refuse to take the romance out of my fantasy novels.
Tag: Here Be Magic

Treadmill Desks and Genre Crossing
I’m in a couple of places today – on the Harlequin blog, talking about my treadmill desk. (By popular demand!) And also at Here Be Magic, where I talk about using paranormal elements in contemporary erotic romance, mainly because I can’t help myself.
Gifts of Winter – Metaphors, Top Ten Lists and Parties!
I’m over at Here Be Magic, celebrating our Winter Paranormal Week and talking about how winter serves as a metaphor in The Twelve Kingdoms books.
The Literary Escapism blog is hosting me today with their Black Friday party and ongoing giveaway – I offer up what Princess Amelia, of The Tears of the Rose, might put on her shopping list.
Finally, I have to share that Regina Small of RT Book Reviews picked The Tears of the Rose as one of her Top Ten Books of 2014 – along with Amy Poehler’s book! Is there anything better than having a really smart reviewer say wonderful, insightful things about your book? YES! Having her make a comparison to Buffy the Vampire Slayer! This is what she says:
The Tears of the Rose by Jeffe Kennedy — It is a truth universally acknowledged that I’m a sucker for spoiled, sheltered heroines who lose it all, and then have to find their own way in the wilderness. (Think Cordelia Chase’s brilliant character arc in Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel.) At the beginning of The Tears of the Rose, beautiful pampered princess Amelia is in mourning over the loss of her husband. While this is undeniably a romance — spoilers: Ash is hot — Kennedy gives Ami something even more important than a partner: a purpose. And Ami’s transition into a woman with a richer inner life is so complex and well done; Ami never stops loving her fallen husband, Hugh, but she recognizes that her love for him belongs to a different, more innocent life. With Hugh, she was a child; with Ash, she is a woman.
A Great Big Thank You – and Giveback
I’m over at Here Be Magic, offering a very special Thank You giveaway. And being thankful in general for the whirlwind release day yesterday. You all are so wonderful – I’m overwhelmed.
Happy Thanksgiving to my U.S. cohort – and I hope the rest of you find some time to indulge in good food, better company and an excellent book!
Pitfalls of Writing Fantasy – Or Why Your Heroine Can’t Sleep So Much
I’m over at Here Be Magic today, talking about a possible pitfall in writing heroines in fantasy novels.

Back Off, Man – I’m a Scientist!
Release Week celebrations continue and today brings TWO opportunities to win one of the Covenant of Thorns books of your choice! All depends on where you are in the series and your personal preference. Over at Here Be Magic, it’s Win-A-Book Wednesday with a Rafflecopter giveaway and Amy at So Many Reads is hosting a giveaway along with an interview with me about the trilogy and her lovely review of Rogue’s Paradise, which she calls her favorite. I’m also at the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers blog, talking about the reader responses I’ve gotten over the last couple of years to Gwynn being a female scientist.
Sneak Peek at the Prequel to The Twelve Kingdoms
In one of those multidimensional feats common to writers of Magical Things, I’m in two places at once today – over at the Here Be Magic blog, talking about faking sincerity, and at the Paranormal Romantics blog, giving a little sneak peek at a prequel story to The Twelve Kingdoms, which I’m going to give away for free in my first Newsletter.
Which you can sign up for right here on the homepage! Just saying…
The Hero’s Journey and the Magic Mirror
Accidental Gender Swapping in Fantasy
I’m over at Here Be Magic today, talking about the roles men play in my Twelve Kingdoms trilogy.

World-Building, Win-A-Book and Workshop!
I’m over at the fabulous and brilliant Suzanne Johnson’s blog today, talking about World-Building. You can win a copy of The Mark of the Tala there or at Here Be Magic, for Win-A-Book Wednesday.
Also, I’m teaching an online workshop starting next Monday on Walking the Consent Line – how to deal with issues of dubious and questionable consent in erotic literature.
Thank you all for the release day love yesterday – you made it a great day!