Jeffe at San Diego Comic Con!

Jeffe will be at San Diego Comic Con in July!!

There’s a panel of Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA) talking about getting published.

*****SFWA Writers Reveal the One Big Secret That Got Them Published, Friday, 7/19/19, 6:00p.m. – 7:00p.m., Room: 2*****

Join members of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA) as they discuss writing careers, tips and tricks, and the one big secret that got them published. Learn how SFWA supports SF and fantasy writers and how it can help you with your creative career. Panelists include Jeffe Kennedy (The Orchid Throne), Marie Andreas (The Diamond Sphinx). Greg van Eekhout (Voyage of the Dogs). Greg Bear (Take Back the Sky; Comic-Con Special Guest). Jonathan Brazee (Fire Ant) and Kyle Aisteach (Little Dystopias).

In addition, the TOR booth will be giving away 30 Galley proofs of THE ORCHID THRONE on Saturday, 7/20/19 at 10am. I’ll be there to sign and chat, so come on by!

First Cup of Coffee – June 28, 2019

First Cup of Coffee with Jeffe Kennedy

First Cup of Coffee - June 28, 2019

June 28, 2019

Jeffe Kennedy

I'm talking more today about finding the right place to start a story, how difficult that can be, and why I always listen when someone tells me where they think it should start. Also how an agent can be helpful in these early stages, and why I have newfound respect for people who can roast well. 

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First Cup of Coffee – June 27, 2019

First Cup of Coffee with Jeffe Kennedy

First Cup of Coffee - June 27, 2019

June 27, 2019

Jeffe Kennedy

You heard it here first news on THE FIERY CITADEL, including cover hints. Also a bit about transcription, the New Shiny, and bluebird fledglings.

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First Cup of Coffee – June 26, 2019

First Cup of Coffee with Jeffe Kennedy

First Cup of Coffee - June 26, 2019

June 26, 2019

Jeffe Kennedy

Exciting news on the New Shiny, plus treadmill woes asked and answered. Also, how I'm transcribing the podcasts now, and putting a donation button out there. 

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Transcript Available Here

First Cup of Coffee – June 24, 2019

First Cup of Coffee with Jeffe Kennedy

First Cup of Coffee - June 24, 2019

June 24, 2019

Jeffe Kennedy

A surprise guest today in the form of a neighbor chat. Also more about Sage Walker and Jim Sorenson, mentioned in yesterday's blog post, Do You Need a Critique Group – Or Something ELSE? Plus thoughts on science fiction, etc. 

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Transcript Available Here

Do You Need a Critique Group – Or Something ELSE?

Yesterday I cooked brunch for writer friends Jim Sorenson and Sage Walker. (That’s me in my Orchid Throne apron that the amazingly talented Minerva Spencer made for me. Isn’t it awesome??)

We sat in the grape arbor, listened to the bluebirds feed their nestlings, and talked all things writing. It got me thinking about critique and what we need to improve our work that ISN’T critique. Come on over to the SFF Seven for more. 

First Cup of Coffee – June 21, 2019

First Cup of Coffee with Jeffe Kennedy

First Cup of Coffee - June 21, 2019

June 21, 2019

Jeffe Kennedy

Why I don't like lots of POVs, even in fantasy where it's supposedly okay. A bit on how to choose POV, my feelings on the first 25% of a story (& POV), and then on grounding a reader in a sequel. 

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Silly Writer! Reviews Aren’t for Craft

I talked a bit about this on Twitter, and on my podcast – First Cup of Coffee – but I said I’d loop back and discuss on the blog in more detail.

I admit it started with a subtweet. A few blogger/reviewers were posting about authors who were publicly shaming readers who gave them poor reviews. The tenor of the authors’ complaints were that the bad reviews were harshing their (or their friend’s) release day buzz. Which… that’s a whole other thing, but the TL:DR is that nobody owes an author a sparkle pony on release day. The operative word there is RELEASE. That means letting the book go, to sink or swim in the world. It no longer belongs to the author. Helicopter parenting it will only bring misery to the author and damage the book’s chances.

ANYWAY. This post isn’t about that.

What I subtweeted about was an author who weighed in on the thread with a “but, but, but” –  #protip: don’t do this – “But, but, but,” she says, “I just wish readers would *explain* why they give it one-star, so I can learn from it!”

First of all, not only does nobody owe you a sparkle pony, no one owes an explanation for a rating. Readers can rate books whatever they like, for whatever reason they like, and they don’t have to explain. They’re not in a relationship with the author, so there’s no obligation to tend feelings. They’re not writing teachers. They read.

Secondly, reviews are not for the author to read. Even readers and reviewers who take the conceit of appearing to address the author, aren’t really. They’re engaging with the voice in the book. It’s really important for writers to remember we are not our books. One of the very interesting outcomes of the Burnout Panel (and How to Maybe Avoid It Next Time) at Nebula Conference was that one of the key conditions leading to burnout is a person over-identifying with their work. A book is something we create (and RELEASE) and how readers react to it is about *them*. When someone reviews a book, it’s for other readers. It’s not a job performance appraisal for the author.

Finally, reviews are a TERRIBLE place to look to improve craft because the lens is so different. The experience of reading a book is totally different from evaluating it with an editorial eye. As proof of this, I point to the near-universal author experience of discovering that reading for sheer pleasure gets lost. Somewhere in the transition from being a person who only reads books to someone who also writes them, we develop that critical lens for evaluating the story creation. And it becomes almost impossible to shut it off again. This is bad and good. There’s some grief in the realization that the experience of reading a story without examining it is lost forever. But it’s good because, well, we *need* that ability. Every book and story a writer reads is an education – what works for us, what doesn’t, how the writer created certain impacts, where they lost the thread, etc.

Because of this profound difference in reading experience, however, reviews from readers tell us nothing about the craft of the story. Maybe a writer can glean some insight from which stories seem most popular – but most writers also will note that they can never predict which stories will “hit” and which don’t. It’s almost never our personal favorites. It often seems counter-intuitive. Many writers will say that their very favorite of their own work is the least popular with readers. Is there a correlation?


That’s the thing, and that’s my point. There is no knowing, which means that scouring reviews for information on improving craft is fruitless.

You know what does work? Read a lot (books and stories, not reviews). Write a lot.

Read. Write. Repeat.

First Cup of Coffee – June 18, 2019

First Cup of Coffee with Jeffe Kennedy

First Cup of Coffee - June 18, 2019

June 18, 2019

Jeffe Kennedy

More today about writer's retreats and residencies and why that experience was transformative for me. Also how writers live in this timeless space where books come into being in waves, and how our time doesn't match the rest of the world.

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