In which I talk about alternate fantasy worlds and levels of technology, progress on THE ORCHID THRONE and how I'm making it a more scientifically savvy world. I also become fatally distracted by the discovery of a hummingbird nest in the grape arbor, so I've added photos of the hummingbird nest and eggs to my website.
So, I’m starting a podcast! It will be short – about 20 minutes – over my first cup of coffee of the day. This first episode is rough and a bit of a test. We shall see!
Inaugural episode in which I don't quite have the sound right (I forgot to turn on my earbuds and recorded from the phone that I kept walking away from - lol), but which is kind of amusing anyway. I also thought the recording messed up, but it didn't, so you get to hear that part, too. I explain how this isn't meant to be polished and studio quality, but rather an informal conversation.