Emergency Refilling of the Well

For a lot of us – especially Romance writers – the stress of the last few weeks has been at best distracting and at worst devastating. That kind of emotional stress, on top of the holiday season, which can be emotionally draining for many people, can leave us with empty wells. So what do you do when you need to be creative, but the well is dry?

In other words, how do you even when you can’t even? Come on over my tips!


Why I’m Sticking with RWA

I’m getting back into the groove following a lovely Christmas holiday in Tucson with my family. I didn’t take my laptop, and even read a paper book, staying pretty much offline except for the occasional Instagram post.

It was relaxing and restorative.

When I returned online Friday morning, 12/26, I fell face-first into the the RWA crisis. Since our topic at the SFF Seven this week is whatever is on our minds… well, I don’t have much on my mind besides this. Come on over to find out why I’m sticking.