So this happened. Super exciting! I’m pretty sure this is the first time I’ve hit #1 Best Seller on Amazon on my own. We did with AMID THE WINTER SNOW (which is no longer up for sale, though the individual stories are – mine is THE SNOWS OF WINDROVEN). Much of the credit goes to Monday’s BookBub ad and the .99 cent sale, but still! And the sale continues on all retail sites, so you can still grab PRISONER OF THE CROWN for that fantastic price. It should go back up any minute now, so hie thee on over for the clicky goodness!
Otherwise I’m working on a fast-turnaround new project. I know, I know – so many OTHER ongoing writing projects for me to be working on, but this one isn’t my fault! an opportunity came through Agent Sarah and it has a Movie Thing attached. I’ll tell you all more if it becomes an Actual Thing rather than an Exciting Possibility. Once I get this out, I’m back to THE ORCHID THRONE, and after *that* I’m definitely for sure finishing THE ARROWS OF THE HEART. I greatly appreciate your patience in this. I never dreamed it would be a year between it and THE SHIFT OF THE TIDE.
Where has the time gone???
I promise I haven’t been lying about eating bonbons and watching daytime television.
Not that there’s anything wrong with that…