First Cup of Coffee with Jeffe Kennedy
First Cup of Coffee - August 3, 2020
By request, I'm explaining what a mastermind group is and how it work for aspiring authors. Also how I'm dealing with sick kitties and a recovering knee, alas.
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Thanks for listening!
poor kitty
*fingers crossed*
fwiw, I’d never heard of the term “mastermind” before (in this context), but it sounds really interesting (I am aware of several groups of authors that function like one, but I always believed that they formed organically)
wow, that sucks to be ripped off/copied like that!
Some groups like that form organically, but many are deliberate.
And Isabel is good! I’ll report on my 8/6 podcast
It does suck. Nothing I can do but be annoyed, alas.
Thanks for the explanation. I knew the term, but only from Leslye’s podcast. Psyched for her interview tomorrow. I just started Song of Blood & Stone and am excited to read this series. (I put off starting it since book 2 apparently has a cliffhanger ending and I want to be able to jump right to the next book so the only way was to delay reading them all until closer to book 3’s release date). I want to say thanks to you again as I started listening to her podcast back when you first mentioned it. So yay new autobuy author!
Sorry about the author copying your plots. That does suck.
Iops hit send to soon. Sending well wishes for Isabel.
Thank you – she’s doing well!
You’re welcome. And thank you. *sigh*