Next week should be a great one – US Thanksgiving AND the release of THE TEARS OF THE ROSE!
Do you know what this means? Yes – you can stuff yourself silly and then loll about and read! That’s definitely what I have in mind. Not my *own* books, mind you – but I have some yummy ones in the pile.
For those of you who haven’t read THE MARK OF THE TALA yet, RT Book Reviews – along with saying they love me truly, madly, deeply, which made me a little verklumpt with the smile for the movie reference – is hosting a giveaway of three bundles of both books!
There’s also some great reviews filling my feeds, which I just love to see. This one of THE MARK OF THE TALA at Reading Reality by Marlene Harris is really wonderful. She says all sorts of smart, insightful things about the book – *and*compares it to MALIFICENT, which I finally watched last week. The movie electrified me and blew me away. It it kind of uncanny, some of the story parallels. Now I want Angelina Jolie to play Salena.
Wouldn’t that be awesome?
Also, Lisa A at I Smell Sheep gave THE TEARS OF THE ROSE five transforming sheep to celebrate the heroine’s tremendous character growth, which means a great deal to me also. And Gikany and Una at That’s What I’m Talking About said that TEARS is a gripping and exciting read as Ami explores her own potential and power growing from a spoiled immature princess and into a woman worthy to be a queen. She also discovers that a first love may not always be the only or the true love of your life.
Pumpkin pie (or dessert of your choice) for everyone!
RT @jeffekennedy: So Much to Give Thanks For: Next week should be a great one – US Thanksgiving AND the release of…
Jeffe Kennedy » So Much to Give Thanks For via @JeffeKennedy
Did I tell you that Linda, all unprompted and spontaneous, also said the Twelve Kingdom books felt like Robin McKinley? There seems to be consensus.
Have I told you how much I love Linda?? LOL! Seriously, that’s so wonderful to hear. I’m so glad you told me. I know you guys are a tough audience, so it means even more.