Tomorrow is Isabel’s 7th birthday, so this is her birthday portrait.
I’ve been working diligently on the Phantom story, laying down the words, working up the story. (I feel really hip saying it like that, like “laying down the tracks.” I’ve been kind of obsessed with Pitch Perfect and how songs mash-up. That, however, is probably a different, but related post.)
It’s been interesting because, as you may or may not recall, this will be an eSerial. The story will be broken into six parts, released 2-4 weeks apart. I’m surprised at how much this feels like a new form to me. Normally I set up my story according the classic three-act structure. If you aren’t familiar, that means the Act I climax occurs around 25%, the midpoint or story hinge around 50%, the Act II climax at 75%, Act III climax at ~90% followed by denouement and assorted wrap-up. The simplest explanation I’ve heard for the three acts is: get your protagonist up a tree, throw rocks at him/her, get him or her down again. With the Phantom story, I figured out my overall arc and then set up mini-arcs for each episode as well. It makes for an interesting rhythm.
Lest you think I actually plot things out ahead of time, however, let me disabuse you of that notion immediately. I don’t. I can’t, really. I’m a write-for-discovery kind of gal and I seem to be unable to figure out the story any other way. I’m at peace with that. The writers who extensively plot and outline ahead of time usually call this “pantsing” as in “flying by the seat of your pants.” I don’t much like this term. I think it says more about their fear of being out of control than anything salient about my method.
I was realizing, as I worked up this new structure, that this is like stretching canvas for me. I have painter friends and I love to watch them prepare canvas. One taught me how, so I could easily transport one of his paintings home and re-stretch it. They assemble the wooden frame to a particular size, choose the type of canvas they want, pull it tight over the frame and staple or nail it on. Then they add various gessos or other foundations, depending on their plans. (At this point I get fuzzy on the details.)
This is how setting up the story is for me: choosing the size, the foundation, with a sense of how it will eventually look. Then I paint the picture.
The other really cool thing I discovered is how my structures interweave. Oh look, I’m back to the mash-up thing. Guess it IS related. See, if you don’t know, a mash-up is when they take two or more different songs and weave them together. They might share a rhythm line and then the melodies work around each other, playing in counterpoint and blending, creating an entirely new song. Forgive me if I’m getting terms wrong, because I’m just not very good at understanding music. I *want* to understand, so I listen intently to this kind of thing, wanting to organically GET how this works.
An old boyfriend once cited the fact that I listen to the same songs over and over again as one factor in him dumping me. I can see that. But I also see how my tendency to get fixated on something like this also contributes to my understanding of other things. I didn’t get why I’ve been listening to the Pitch Perfect mash-ups on iPod over and over until just now.
My story is working the same way. Okay – if you hate math, leave now. But this is an example of what I found out. If I do 6 15K episodes, that’s 90K, give or take. That’s my overall frame. The Act I climax of the overall story takes place then around 22,500 words. That’s in the second episode. By the end of Act I, I should have my protagonist thoroughly up a tree – all the story clues and components should be in place. If I look at the internal structure of Episode 2, the midpoint, the story hinge, where things really change direction, occurs at 7,500 words into the 15K episode (halfway), which is at 22,500 words overall. Do you see? The overall Act I climax will be the SAME EVENT as the Episode 2 midpoint!
Isn’t that cool??
Just me?
If it were a musical mash-up, it would be that point where the two songs spiral up together and hit that came climactic note, for one harmonious moment.
We’ll see if it works like I hope it will. Off to paint in some images!
My oh my….I think I’ll just enjoy the result rather than think too much about how it was all put together. That’s just me.
Perfectly fair!
I understand that Stephen King originally did The Green Mile this way, and it was terribly popular. I only got around to reading it once it was slapped together into a book. I don’t know if he had to do anything special to splice the episodes together, but I thought it worked very nicely as a cohesive whole, as well. I don’t know if that’s a valid test for a serial, that it then also work as a whole, but it’s one way to look at it.
I think you should take the same approach as the old black and white film serials: end each episode with an impossible cliff-hanger and then change the beginning of the next episode so that it can resolve.
I think King has done that with several books. Warren Adler has tried it too. However, I’m pretty sure they just posted a couple of chapters at a time. I read another “serial” that did it that way, breaking with chapter groups, and the readers grew impatient. So, part of my assignment is to make each segment feel like a rounded-out episode. I totally am supposed to end each with a “hook”! But I’ll try to avoid cheap plot twists to get out of corners.
You’re always cool. And it’s always interesting to see how other people attack this writing thing. I don’t mind being called a pantser (although I changed it to call myself a plansterer – because I don’t just pants, I plan, too). Strictly plotting bores the daylights out of me. I’d rather fly – even if it is by the seat of my pants sometimes. ;o)
Fly and be free, little egg!
LOL, I was thinking of that episode of Mork and Mindy while I was commenting. ;o)
That episode is totally imprinted in my mind for all time. Such a classic bit. However, my wish for you is that you will NOT hit the counter and splatter.
eSerial! You’re following in the trendsetter-footsteps of such greats as Stowe and Melville! I shall call you Tom Ishmael.
hey baby – everything old is new again!