Here’s the cover for Hunting the Siren!
(No, I don’t know the release date yet.)
This is the novella I was calling Blood Siren for a while, but Ellora’s Cave has a rule that you can’t have blood in the title. Apparently it was overused, which kind of gives one pause. However, I *can* have blood in the series title, so this is officially the second book in the Blood Currency series, led off byFeeding the Vampire. In this one, Imogen is my vampire queen, living on the Russian steppes with her Nightriders. That ripped Mongol dude? That’s Kasar, who hiked out of Moscow after the earthquakes devastated that, too, and Europe sank. He thinks he’s going to go all VanHelsing and hunt Imogen down, to avenge his sister. But Imogen is no pussy cat.
Did I mention I don’t have official cover copy yet, either?
Yes, here’s the sales pitch part: if you sign up for my NEWSLETTER, then you can be the first know these things! I also will include special somethings in my newsletters, which will probably be fairly few and far between, settling into your email in-box like dew on the morning rosebuds.
See, I’ve been exhorted to have a newsletter. (I don’t much like them myself.) So, I did it. Set up the newsletter sign-up link there in the right-hand column of the home page. And like SIX people have signed up. Which is really super sad and pitiful. Thus, I have a deal for you!
Everyone signed up for my newsletter by midnight, mountain time on July 8 will be entered into a drawing to win a $50 gift card to the online book vend0r of your choice! And yes, this includes you six loyal few who signed up already.
And then you get the extra bonus of fun surprises in the newsletter, too!
Isn’t this fun?
Okay, yeah, we’ll see.
Here – have an ice cream cone.
NIIIICE cover!
I’ll go sign up for your newsletter now. Proceed to entertain me!
Thank you, Linda! You’re a real pal. ~tap dances~
Where’s his beard?
Still, even without beard it is a nice cover.
And I can’t remember if I signed up for your newsletter so might be doung it twice.
Carien – he shaved it off! If you’re on twice, we’ll clean it up. Thanks darling!
I should have known. They always do that!
so funny – but it’s true
It’s possible I got to see a sneak peak of this story. Very sexy, very compelling. Can’t wait to read it again in it’s OFFICIAL form.
Thanks M!
Oh sweet joy! Can hardly wait for it to come out. I’m signing up!
Mary, you’re so funny – and I’m flattered!