Not this particular beach, but the one I’ll be visiting in Pensacola, Florida for the Silken Sands Conference March 16-18. I’m so looking forward to this conference, not just for the warm and the beach, but because it’s a small conference packed with a lot of really great people. Two of my favorite editors, Angela James (Carina Press) and Grace Bradley (Ellora’s Cave) will be there, along with Holly Blanck (St. Martin’s) who I’d like to be one of my favorite editors. There will also be fabulous author friends there and I’m looking forward to hanging with them.
So, I’m working up my presentation in my head. Brewing it up so I can start making some slides. My workshop? The Erotic Story Arc: Not a Contradiction in Terms.
Yeah – you know what I mean.
A lot of people think an erotic story is simply porn and nothing more. And – hey, let’s face it – some can be. Over on Word Whores this week, we’ve been having an interesting debate on action scenes and whether we skim them as readers. The consensus has been that both action scenes and sex scenes suffer by being all stage direction without real story. So, in the erotic story, the sexual interaction takes center stage, but it still must serve to move the character from one place to another. That’s the core of a story: how the characters change.
Often the change in the characters in an erotic story is the simple coming together. They start out strangers and end up together – classic romantic story arc. There’s also the sexual journey, which usually involves some kind of self-discovery. I like the stories about breaking taboos or old beliefs, liberating the characters to embrace more of the world than they did before.
Any that I’m missing? I’m also looking for suggestions, of really well-done erotic stories that were also moving and meaningful.
And, if you want to see my workshop or just come hang at the beach with some fab writing and publishing people, you can still register!
Sounds like a great workshop, wish I *could* be there!!!
Thanks for the shout out for our conference. Can’t wait to see you and share a drink. Your workshop sounds super!
Me too, Jillian!
My last comment didn’t show up so I’ll say it again. Can’t wait to see you and hear your talk. Thanks for the shoutout for our conference. Love ya!
*kisses*, oh double-commenting one.
Wish I could attend. Can you do it for LERA?
Yep – if you all want me to!