Blue Coyote

I had this dream, you see.

I was inside the house and David stepped out onto our patio, with his hands outspread. He was warding off the coyotes, I realized. There they were, streaking through the draw just below us. Only they were blue. Blue like jays.

The coyotes have become an odd subconscious symbol for me. I love to see them, in all their wild and beautiful glory. I’m also afraid of them. Not for myself, but for the cats. One day – the day of this photo, actually – one had a fresh-caught bunny dangling from its mouth. The coyote happily tossed the dead rabbit about. And I pictured Isabel in its place.

I can’t deny Isabel and Teddy the joy that going out into the sun gives them. And yet I fret about them being unsafe. It’s the eternal push/pull of suffocating what we love by keeping it safe.

And yes, I know I’ve written about this before. I said it’s become a major symbol for me.

The blue coyotes, though – they were different. Both more fantastic and more dangerous. How David could hold them off, I don’t know. I’m just grateful he could.

Perhaps that’s my valentine today, to David, the man who keeps us safe from the Blue Coyotes.

(Thanks to the amazing and fabulous Tawna Fenske for saving my whiny behind and helping with with this pic. All hail Queen Tawna!)

7 Replies to “Blue Coyote”

  1. I love coyotes, but I agree….I cringe every time I see them because I'm sure they're going to gobble up my cats or beat up my dog.

    Aren't dreams fascinating? I just had a strange one that involved sitting on a strange man's lap at an airport in New York.


  2. Does David have a coyote anh? He could have been letting it roam instead of warding it off.

    And Tawna, with your luck, that might not have been a dream. Maybe it was Pyth in a mask for cupid's ball?

  3. I so won't let my youngest cat, Cookie go outside. She's fascinated by the big outdoors, but when she does manage to sneak out, she freaks. She's too sweet and harmless for me to send her out into the big, bad world without my supervision. The old cat though? She's Satan's sister, so she's fine.

    As for dreams, yesterday I dreamed that I was directing a musical comedy with Johnny Depp and George Clooney. It was surprisingly good and funny although I couldn't tell you what it was about.

  4. David could very well have a coyote anh, KAK! It would be one of my top picks.

    I would totally go see that musical comedy, Danica! And I wouldn't care what it was about.

  5. I dreamt last night of a pack of coyotes in my yard with my dogs, all getting along. One was blue. A blue coyote. Beautiful, non threatening.
    Wonder what it means.

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