Today is Tuesday! You Know What That Means?!?

Today is Release Day for Marcella Burnard’s Enemy Within!!

Let the dancing, rejoicing and the running out to bookstores (or your favorite online ordering venue) begin!

I believe Marcella is planning to run a contest today for people to post their pics with a copy of the book, which should be on her blog. It wasn’t when I wrote this, but it’s only 6:30 at her house, so we’ll cut her a little slack. Maybe the interwebs aren’t awake yet. But my understanding is that if you post a pic of yourself with the book, you’ll receive your heart’s desire.

Or pretty damn close, anyway.

Regardless, here’s my copy just arrived on the Kindle, with a little Dia de los Muertos action. See? Even the dead love Marcella’s book!

This book is so awesome, in fact, that it’s already one of the five nominees for RT’s Best SciFi Romance of 2010! I kid you not. They already gave her a top pick review.

The only complaints I’ve seen about the book from reviewers is that there’s TOO much science for some of the readers who prefer a lighter story. Which says to me, all the better for us sci fi/fantasy lovers!

Go embroil yourselves in someone else’s politics, in a civil-war in totally different star systems. I’m pretty sure Health Care never comes up and I know that blowing things up is a perfectly reasonable solution to most problems.

Have at it!

8 Replies to “Today is Tuesday! You Know What That Means?!?”

  1. Oh yay! I think I'll stroll to the bookstore at lunch and get my hands on a copy of this book. Thanks for the reminder!


  2. I was just saying yesterday that there are way too many books coming out that I want! My bank account cannot take the strain. *bites her nails* It's on my list to read, I just have to space my purchases out a bit.

  3. Yay for snagging!

    You crack me up, Danica – don't bite them too short!

    Thanks, Linda. I love the Dia de los Muertos art here.

  4. Arg! Election Day is breaking the internet! Everything is SOOOO slow. I'll get the blog up. I swear. We're going until Friday collecting photos. I'll draw some t shirt winners from among the photos – feel free to send your photos to or post them directly to my FB event: Enemy Within Launch Party. I have no idea whether you can access this without signing in, but here's the link:!/event.php?eid=165098063511114&index=1

  5. "I know that blowing things up is a perfectly reasonable solution to most problems."

    Really, there is no better recommendation for a book. ~off to acquire~

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