Hunters Moon

Our weather has finally turned. Gone are the hot, dry baking days.

The last week has been cool. All night long the rain pounds on our flat roof, a soothing sound that makes me want to tuck deeper into the warm covers.

I thought I might not catch the rising Hunters Moon, but then it crested the cloud banks over Tonto National Forest, in all its radiant glory.

We lead fortunate lives, that we don’t worry about hunting for the winter. We may fret about paying the credit card bill or defaulting on the mortgage, but we aren’t watching the descending long nights with trepidation, wondering if we’ve put enough food by to last all the way though deep winter and spring blizzards. We don’t look at our children and wonder which won’t be around for the next summer.

Perhaps worry is worry and the subject doesn’t matter.

It’s human nature, I suppose, to take the blessings for granted and focus on what we don’t have. We angst about what people might think of us, whether we can win the lottery and get that million dollars, if that agent will request a full manuscript. It’s not that these concerns aren’t important. If they weren’t meaningful to us, they wouldn’t occupy our attention.

But we’re not counting on the full moon to give us a little more light to hunt by either. Instead, it’s just a beautiful orb, illuminating the night.

9 Replies to “Hunters Moon”

  1. Jeffe, you always make me look deeper inside myself with your posts. Stop it already! Joking. No, you're right. With modern technology and conveniences, we do have things easier in some ways. We can stop and look and appreciate the beauty of the world around us, though many of us still don't take the time to do so.

  2. Sometimes I think we're all genetically predisposed to a certain amount of worry. If we don't have to worry about being eaten by a bear, then we'll find something else to fill the angst void, like whether our hair will fall out before it turns gray.

  3. Such a beautiful pic. If I had to be a hunter, I'd need to get in shape. Right now the only beast I'd catch is the one in plastic wrap.

  4. LOL, Linda – love that one.

    Thanks KAK, I was pleased with how the pic came out. Maybe you could train your beast to hunt for you?

  5. I have blog post shame. 🙁 I have frivolous posts all time…but seem to be lacking on the metaphoric awesomesauce that is you.

  6. Yeah, Allison, but frivolous is your forte. 😉

    Thanks Keena! Women getting to move to Tampa are particularly blessed!

    Thank you, Bess and nice to "meet" you! I like the look of your blog.

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