Was it only this morning I swore to take more photos this year?
Well, I promptly left the camera in the hotel room. But I have it in my pile for tomorrow.
But today went great. At the Albuquerque Sunport, it turned out that five other gals from LERA were on my same flight to Orlando, including Gabi Stevens and Belle Sloan. Then someone called my name in the Orlando airport and it was Patti Osbeck, from the Phoenix Desert Rose chapter. Apparently all desert Southwest flights get in at the same time.
Allison got in ahead of me and immediately hit the pool bar and cabana. I unpacked and went to look for her. I ran into Darynda Jones, also of LERA, and Bria Quinlan, formerly of LERA and defected back to Boston. Michelle Miles grabbed me and introduced me to a couple of her Yellow Rose pals, while I drank my richly-deserved dirty martini.
Then Cynthia Eden and Jenn Dorough, fab FFP Secretary, came walking by, along with their chapter pal, Lee. They invited me to go eat dinner. (Okay, I glommed on, as I was resolved to make sure I actually ate something, rather than sitting and drinking martinis all night.) We snagged Allison from her socializing and ended up on the Boardwalk eating dinner in the hot, humid night with Toni Blake, Nikki Enlow and Samhain’s Managing Editor Lindsey Faber.
I might or might not have had a second dirty martini.
I wish I’d taken pics, but Cindy did take videos for her vlog, which includes me talking while Nikki Enlow makes Shiva hands behind me. I’ll probably link to it when she posts it….
At any rate, for this, my third RWA convention, I feel I’ve discovered the secret: have people recognize you, so you don’t have to worry about recognizing them. This is a great boon to me.
So, if you see me, come up and say hi!
Hope it's a great conference. Send more pics.
AP hit the pool bar? Was she wearing the top hat?
Tell me you did public with the wings. Come on, you're in Disney with Romance Writers. Wings should be worn every day!
Envy. Really. Except that I got ARCs in the mail today.
KAK – she says no top hat until Friday night. Stubborn wench. No wings until then, either.
Marcella – woo hoo for ARCs!!!
and Kelly – I took LOTS of photos today. Need to get those up….