First Cup of Coffee – October 29, 2020

First Cup of Coffee with Jeffe Kennedy

First Cup of Coffee - October 29, 2020

October 29, 2020

Jeffe Kennedy

A microphone death, my new hair and makeup regime, the schedule for upcoming interviews, and musings on how authors tend write toward a core image, trying over and over to get it "right."

The video I mention on Cognitive Bias and The Dunning-Kruger Effect is here: (

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7 Replies to “First Cup of Coffee – October 29, 2020”

  1. The sound was clear and volume fine.

    Looking forward to the interviews with the anthology authors. Hoping the Nalini interview will still happen.

    I can see the surface similarities, and even some characteristics in common, but the overall characters, setting, and magic systems feel very different between the two series. Like music all has 7 notes, books all have 26 letters (in English). It’s how they are combined that matters.

    Jayne Ann Krentz often talks about how authors have a core story they write over an over. That the settings and time periods can be completely different but your core story fits in any landscape.

    I think both ideas (core image, core story) go a lot toward author voice and is one of things readers get attached to and why some authors become favorite autobuys we will follow to any subgenre. Whereas authors a reader doesn’t feel that sense of attachment to are not as trusted.

    1. I’ve heard Jayne Ann Krentz talk about that and her take is so illuminating! I totally agree. The attachment thing is so interesting – and does feel like a relationship with trust.

  2. I have a friend who writes the same story (Xena & Gabrielle, but SF) over and over again, and makes no apologies for it 😉

    I’m not sure what would be best for the masterclass. I think my biggest problems at the moment are story arc/plotting and showing the emotional states of the characters accurately, but that doesn’t necessarily mean either is what you should teach. I can say that what I’m most interested in, at this point, are classes that are both interactive and offer some amount of feedback, but I’m not sure how much of that you can do in a one-day class, regardless of the subject.

    What do you think is your biggest strength, or that you have a lot to talk about? The venue would also make a difference-is it SFF, Romance, both, or neither?

    1. Literally the fanfic, or that trope?
      I’m responding to these comments late (I really don’t know how I got so behind…) but I was reading all along and your input was helpful, even though I went a different direction. This one will definitely be interactive with feedback. I wanted it to be both specific enough for a day-long class and also broadly applicable to many genres. I ended up with “Worldbuilding from a Character-Driven Perspective.”

      1. Not literally, but, it’s always super obvious to us. “Oh this is the Xena character, and that’s the Gabrielle one.”

        I wasn’t sure if you’d just decided not to reply to comments as much or mine were annoying you or what 😉

        I don’t know how you even find the older comments since your landing page only shows us the last 5, though I guess you probably get them in email or something on the back-end.

        Sounds like an interesting class.

        1. You never annoy me! It’s like the email syndrome – once they begin to pile up, the resistance increases exponentially… They do queue up on the back end 🙂

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