The publisher of my Twelve Kingdoms and Uncharted Realms books is hosting their annual Ultimate Hero Showdown. Harlan, the hunky and infinitely patient hero of THE TALON OF THE HAWK, has made it through two rounds so far.
(Mostly thank s to passionate fans who stayed up clicking away until midnight!)
Voting in round three starts at midnight, March 31 and goes until midnight – all U.S. Eastern Daylight Time. You can click as often as you like! (Hence the aforementioned Harlan fans clicking away.)
Harlan also appears in THE PAGES OF THE MIND, out May 31 (finally!). So, to give you a little extra Harlan love, here’s an excerpt from PAGES, which is in Dafne’s point of view. Here he’s helping Ursula teach Dafne self-defense.