I’m doing a video chat tonight!
This is kind of a new deal, from Shindig Events. They’re still Beta testing, but I did a dry run last night and it seemed really cool. You need a webcam and a microphone, but you can hang out in the audience, talk to other people, participate in Q&A and have one-on-one or small group conversations.
So I’ll probably start out with a few thoughts on writing and reading erotica, but then I’d love for everyone to join in the conversation. Partly because we don’t often get to hang out together and talk about these things. But also I’ll be interested to see how the video chat works. This could be a really fun venue for reader events. Or writing workshops.
The party is today, Wednesday, February 22 at 3:30 pacific time/4:30 mountain time/5:30 central time/6:30 eastern time. Those of you in other zones have to do your own math. (Is that really midnight in The Netherlands??) If you can’t be there at the start, don’t worry, drop by whenever.
The link is: http://beta.shindigevents.com/demos/BewitchingBookTours/
They tell me the video chat works best if you use Google Chrome (of course – grr) and if you close your other windows and online feeds. I noticed mine ran much better once I signed out of Yahoo IM.
Come on by and try it out!
Oooh, this looks fun, but I don’t have a webcam. Darn, darn, darn. I could go buy one but I wouldn’t be able to get it set up in time. Can I just watch?
I think you can, Julie! You can certainly just listen. And if you have a microphone, we’ll be able to hear you, you’ll just “look” like a silhouette.
Yup, that’s 0:30
Hmm.. depending on if my webcam and especially the sound of my webcam behaves I might try to drop by.
(got the day off work tomorrow so need to try to get to sleep early today :-p
Ok… that should have been NO need. seems I might actually need to take a nap before the chat so I’m making sense
lol – I did wonder, Carien! it would be super fun if you could join in. Laura and Marcella will be there.
Well…. got my sound running in the end, but the chat program itself kept crashing when trying to log in. Tried both Chrome and IE, but both crashed. Even updated Shockwave as that seemed to be the culprit, but to no avail. I hope you had fun.
We did have fun, but it was pretty buggy for everyone. Hopefully they’ll get it up and running more smoothly. Thanks for trying!!