One good thing about dark winter mornings is that I’m awake for the sunrise. Not something I would otherwise make an effort for, but look what I miss in the summertime.
Today is our 21st anniversary. On this date, lo these many years ago, David took me out for a drink and to see a movie after the Superbowl. I’m terrible at dating and neither of us had much fun. Still, he persisted and I liked him, so we had a little fling.
We’re still flinging.
Funny how that works out. More and more I think that life, the universe and everything doesn’t take well to being planned out. Certainly not to being controlled. That’s why I like the idea of Tao – grab a wave and do your best to ride it without drowning.
It seems I see a lot of people grasping for control lately. Maybe it’s a feeling of instability embodied by that deathless phrase “in this economy.” I don’t even know what that means anymore, except that it somehow conveys that people are afraid. And fear often makes us hold on tighter, with clenched fists and squinched-up eyes. We might become less tolerant, rather than more flexible. Less inclined to let the small stuff go. Less able to see that it’s all small stuff.
One of my book blogger Twitter pals posted this today – a contract that an author sent to a book reviewer. It seems to be yet another attempt to control the uncontrollable – if, when and how a book gets reviewed. And, it’s ultimately an unenforceable contract. I’ve heard of other authors telling reviewers that they can only post reviews of three stars or better. Or arguing with readers who give story “spoilers.”
Ultimately it’s like trying to keep Tom Cruise from being cast in your movie: it might be terribly wrong, but it’s not a fight you can win.
As my friend Laura Bickle says, “I don’t want to die on that hill.”
A particularly poignant way of pointing out that we have to pick our battles. Fight for what you want, for what’s right, necessary and important.
But, really – don’t sweat the small stuff.
(Hint: it’s pretty much all small stuff.)
Hah! Tom Cruise reference, heyyyyyyyy!
I think of it as an Anne Rice reference, but that works, too! Thanks for sharing that on your blog today. Food for thought!
Well said! Unless life is at stake, everything is small stuff…intense in the moment maybe but ultimately small.
Very true, Veronica!
Happy anniversary!
And it’s funny to see this post about control…especially after last night’s discussion about me needing to put my goals in a spreadsheet. I guess as long as I put my goals down and let the universe figure out a way to implement them, I’m not being too controlling? Much? LOL
Clearly it was on my mind still this morning, Laura! And then the review contract post just added to it. But I do think it’s good to define your dreams and goals – just know that we can’t force them to happen.
Whoa. I can’t believe that contract. So weird.
Happy Anniversary!
You mean, that’s not the contract you use, Linda?
Happy Anniversary!!
Thank you!
Happy Anniversary! Sorry I missed it wishing you one on the right day.
I’m constantly stunned by the stupid things people do. I know I shouldn’t be surprised by anything people do anymore, but they keep finding new levels of stupidity.
Thank you, B.E! As for the new levels of stupid? At least it keeps everything new and exciting!