2 Replies to “First Cup of Coffee – March 26, 2021”

  1. I am curious why this mystery author would target your books for ads. If I’m understanding the purpose it’s kind of a “if you like author x’s book you will like author y’s books” right? And while I read across heat levels as I am sure many readers do, I am with you in that it plays into my expectations. So if I came across this author because someone compared her books to yours and didn’t mention the difference in heat levels and it wasn’t mentioned in the blurb, I would be ticked as well.

    But I loathe the term “clean” romance and won’t buy books labelled as such.

    Hope you were able to finish the book. Also hope the kitchen reno continues to go well. I don’t mind painting, but kitchens and bathrooms have too much cut in work for me.

    1. Yeah… I mean, it’s a very similar subgenre and would be a good comp, if not for the disparity in heat levels. I’m guessing here, but I think an author who makes “clean” be part of their brand thinks that taking out sexuality is a feature that elevates the story. “Just like *those* books, but CLEAN!”

      I loathe it, too, and regret that I bought it.

      As you know, I did finish! I don’t mind cut-in work. Meticulous and mindless works just fine for me 😀

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