Emergency Refilling of the Well

For a lot of us – especially Romance writers – the stress of the last few weeks has been at best distracting and at worst devastating. That kind of emotional stress, on top of the holiday season, which can be emotionally draining for many people, can leave us with empty wells. So what do you do when you need to be creative, but the well is dry?

In other words, how do you even when you can’t even? Come on over my tips!


Looking for Help?


Looking to up your authoring game in the new year? I’m set up to help with that! Check out my Author Coaching options here.

There are all kinds of options – and if you don’t see what you want, just ask! I want to be as helpful as I can.

”Whether you’re looking for writing help with word counts, spreadsheets, or indie and traditional publishing, Jeffe Kennedy has the knowledge base and experience to guide you through it. She’s been incredibly helpful to me in my writing journey and I can’t recommend her enough.” ~Alexia Chantel, Aspiring Author