2 Replies to “When Book Marketing Betrays the Reader”

  1. I was thinking about the cover for Shooting Star the other day. You talked about putting a new cover on it in one of your podcasts. I had picked it up on the day it came out in all its pink and gold sci-fi-esque glory because it was you and not an unknown author so the cover itself played a very small role in the purchase. But I understood why you made the decision to put a new cover on it even as I understood the intent of the original cover. It’s all a work in progress, I guess. Though I hope the new cover has worked out better for you.

    Boyfriend here on the cover of Master of the Opera looks like an angry vampire to me. But I’ll probably grab it soon as I keep meaning to poke more into your contemporary fiction beyond the Missing Connections stories.

    You mentioned wanting to do a new story about sex and magic and I’m totally here for that, by the way! ๐Ÿ˜€

    1. It’s a great point that the cover thing is primarily with readers who aren’t already loyal. While I think the new cover communicates genre better, I don’t think it had a marked impact on sales, alas.

      He does kind of look like an angry vampire, huh? One in need of blood, clearly!

      And eggsellent – I greatly appreciate you being there for the twisty stuff. ๐Ÿ˜€ (And really, Master of the Opera is ALL about sex and magic…)

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